Anybody have some advice to get a bigger chest?
Anybody have some advice to get a bigger chest?
Lots of threads on this.
Find a chest movement that you feel the pump on. Everyone is different. Some like db flat come like be flat some like decline.
I will add you need to go heavy to simulate growth but what I see often in young guys is they want to go to heavy and stay sacrificing form by using Lower back of legs etc...
so be strict and target that chest.
I like db flat and decline bb. And incline cable flies.
Also weighted dips but that more tris
You have to mix it up man.
Dumbbells, barbell, cables, weighted pushups. All in different positions incline, straight, decline.
You have to bring the pain and leave everything at the gym.
Dont forget that chest requires support so you also to workout everything else, shoulders, triceps, biceps, etc. You are only as strong as your weakest link.
Make sure to hit all the positions from incline, decline, and straight. Personally, cadence is also important. I like to go 2 seconds up, 3 seconds down. On a failure rep, I also push it for 5 seconds. Causes some deep soreness for the first few times lol
Try doing isolation before compounds. Do your tris fail before your chest?
Remember to superset
Every third week I will do drop sets- I will start with incline bench to build upper chest (warm up of coarse) I start will my max weight for max reps. Then drop 10% weight and max out and keep dropping weight five times with minimal rest then I move to flat bench do same then incline db and flat db then I would move to Decline bench and finish off with cable exercise and misc exercise. For me that changes things up ever couple weeks to trick muscle and I won't get board with same routine. Good luck my 2 cents
No tri never fail my chest just doesn't respond how I would like. Need to change up my routine ive gotten stuck in same old stuff. Routine is flat bench pyramid flat db pyramid incline db pyramid incline bench pyramid then cables superset push ups. Been doing 3 sets ea
Thanks that was where I might be heading is trying the drop sets
You may already do this but I have a tip for your dumbbell presses. Don't bring the dumbbells together at the top of the movement, keep them at the same width the entire way through. It may mean you have to drop the weight a little but it will keep focus on the muscle allowing you to increase the TUT.
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