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Thread: Rest Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Rest Question

    How long do you rest between sets?

    I am trying to bulk up. I am doing 3x7's at max weight I can lift 7 times each, followed by 3x7 at about 20% less weight.
    I have heard all sorts of advice... everything from no rest between sets to 2 minutes between each set.

    The thought at 0 is that you are fatiguing the muscle more.
    The thought at 2 minutes is that you give the muscle more a chance to rest and therefore can move more weight...

    So how long do you guys rest between reps?

    How about sets?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cat Island
    The muscular system will recover much faster than the nervous system.

    When lifting heavy you need more rest to allow for CNS recovery, even though you may feel ready.

    Its all individual, I would say anywhere from 1 to 5 min.

    If you rest for 1 min and can perform your set, then 1 min is good to go, if you feel drained increase rest time. For me I rest 1-1.5min in between sets.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I think everyone's going to give you a different answer on how long to rest, and rightly so. It's going to be different from person to person. I've always benefited more from longer rest periods for heavy exercises (squats, deadlifts). Upwards of 5 minutes between sets.

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