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Thread: Abs training

  1. #1

    Abs training

    I was reading the Slingshot Training thread, and I saw that on the trainings, people do abs once a week, since the program says that one should train each muscle group once a week.

    I've read before that abs aren't like the rest of the muscle group, that one can end even should hit the abs more often than the rest of the body.

    What are your statements regarding this muscles?

    I use to train abs everyday.
    I'm also trying to bulk up and I'm also on a deca-sust cycle.

    Should I train abs that often, or should I limit their training?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Ab training has been so commercialized that everyone thinks that focused ab training with give them rock hard 6 packs. The truth is, you work your abs so often in so many other ways. Squats, deads, pull ups, all require you to engage your abs. If you feel your core is weak then dedicate specific workouts to abs. My workout partner who competes might train abs specifically every other week. I personally make abs a part of my cardio/plyometric day.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    Ab training has been so commercialized that everyone thinks that focused ab training with give them rock hard 6 packs. The truth is, you work your abs so often in so many other ways. Squats, deads, pull ups, all require you to engage your abs. If you feel your core is weak then dedicate specific workouts to abs. My workout partner who competes might train abs specifically every other week. I personally make abs a part of my cardio/plyometric day.
    Agreed. I think almost all compound lifts will work your abs even if it's just isometrically. I'm not out searching for a 6pack personally but I do one thing for abs and low back/spinal erectors each training day with is Tu, Th, Sat. Whether it's weighted incline sit-ups, leg raises, ab wheel, band work, etc. My goal is to strengthen them to be able to squat, dead, and press more.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    ^Exact same here. I train abs directly once a week with (weighted) like every other muscle. But then again, I'm not out for a model-type six pack.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cat Island
    I do full body workouts, hit abs last on situp bench.
    I focus on full stretch and contraction, slow and controlled.
    It doesn't take much to feel the burn.

    I would train them like any other muscle group.

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