Greetings friends,
I was surfing the net and came across one of the best peer reviewed articles on muscular hypertrophy I have ever read.
Very practical information and suggestions to achieve maximum gains and making the best of our gym time.
I know most on here probably follow and utilize the protocols discussed in the article perhaps unbeknownst, now you can read the science behind the theories.
Here is the title in case the link does not work:
The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training. 2010. BJ Schoenfeld. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 24:10.
One thing stated in article that I will try out next workout is doing flex holds after my exercise set to cause temporary ischemia and increase metabolic stress and metabolite accumulation. Should be interesting.
No question just wanted to share the find, but feel free to respond/input if you like.