Originally Posted by
Obesity has more to do with diet and pyschology, He could drop weight eating 1000 calories of snickers bars each day although he wouldn't be healthy...
Good Point. Understanding calories fats protein and carbs is key to BMR and TDEE and diet.
Point is focus on diet. 1700 calories/day, health options, he can diet for a bit and learn portion control, when he does that and then he can start adding some occassional cheat snacks again focusing on portion control.
How tall is your obese person? 4'9? lets talk your normal obese person who has sat on the sofa and is finally tired of being made fun of. 34 years old, 5'10 280-300 lbs with bf 35% + is about average I would say. TDEE says he is due about twice what you want him on (1700) to be 500 under BMR. You need to understand BMR and TDEE before you even approach diet or diet will have no meaning.
And Cardio isn't actually the best fat burning exercise, weight training does a better job, and circuit training does an even better job.
Can you submit a reference for this? Fat burning mechanism does not occur until you hold 45 minutes (MINIMUM) at 70 max heartrate. This is why Clen, uppers, and T3 is so popular. It increases body temp and heartrate so as to move you higher on the metabolism curve toward the fat burning area. For an obese person as defined above the pool is his best chance for sustained fat burning with limited chance for injury.
Have him get cleared by the Dr. to start an exercise routine. If he's cleared and in the gym 4x/week with you get him doing circuit training, think the biggest loser.
circuit training for a guy just coming off the couch? Back injury 101..Pulled hamstring 102.. I think your definition of an obese person is very different than you find in most homes.
Instead of reps maybe try time starting off at maybe 20-30 seconds of each: Db bench, jumping jacks, sit ups. Rest for a minute and repeat 2 more times. And make a few more workouts. A nice formula for each circuit would be one strength ex, one cardio ex, one abdominal or stabilizing mm group ex.
Week one and two 4 days lifting. 2 days 20min cardio (bike, running, swimming, elliptical, stairs etc)
Start off with a warm up 5-10 min
circuit 1 3exercises a total of 8 minutes
circuit 2 3 exercises a total of 8 minutes
circuit 3 3 exercises a total of 8 minutes
cardio 10 minutes to cool down 5 minutes
Week 3 and 4 up the on time for each exercise to 40 seconds, and on cardio days bump it to 30 minutes
week 5 and 6 up the on time to 50 seconds, cardio days to 40 minutes
Week 6 and 7 up the on time to 1 minute, cardio days to 45-1 hour
week 8 download do some outdoor activities, rest/recover, if he makes it that far its great, and if he's been following portion control and calories after 8 weeks a person that size should see considerable weight loss > 20 lbs without a doubt. A couple side notes, food journals are a must, and weekly weight ins (not daily as that can have a negative effect on the psyche). No alcoholic beverages either. Good luck