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Thread: Knee Wraps

  1. #1

    Knee Wraps

    I have recently started to get pain in my knees when do Legs. I have tried different positions with my feet however, my knees are still getting very tender. I have used wraps in the past and not only did I not have pain but I was significantly stronger too.

    Any suggestions with Squats, Hack Squats or Legs Press to help eliminate the pain or should I just use the wraps?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Front or back of knee? What kind of pain? Sharp, dull long lasting? I'll go ahead and guess it is patella tendinitis. If it is you shouldn't have pain while dead lifting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    is it both knees?

    id just use the wraps..

    i only use knee wraps when im squatting anything heavier than 140kg..

  4. #4
    It is both. started 3 weeks ago and just isn't getting better. I'll give it a shot. It is just annoying that i can incline press 315 no pain. squatting it... pain.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I would give them a rest for a bit.Then warm up good prior to the heavy stuff.Knee wraps are good but if you got problems you may need to have it checked out.

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