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Thread: Let me know what you all think

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Let me know what you all think

    Monday: Chest/Tri
    Tuesday: Legs
    Wednesday: Back/Bi
    Thursday: Cardio/Abs
    Friday: Shoulder/Forearms
    Saturday & Sunday: Cardio and abs

    Bench Press
    Dumbbell Flyes
    Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
    Cable Iron Cross
    Leverage Decline Chest Press
    Ez Bar Skull Crusher
    one arm reverse cable extension
    Cable Pushdown
    Dumbbell One-Arm Triceps Extension
    Push ups
    30 Min Cardio
    Bodyweight Walking Lunge
    Hack Squats
    Leg Extensions
    Dumbbell rear Lunge
    Leg Press
    Lying Leg Curls
    Seated Leg Curl
    Barbell Standing Calf Raises
    Seated Calf Raises
    V-Bar Pulldown
    Bent-Arm Barbell Pullover
    Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown
    Dumbbell Incline Row
    Dumbbell Bent Over Row
    Cable Seated Row
    Inverted Row
    Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl
    Wide Grip Barbell Curl
    Close Grip Preacher Curl
    Reverse Cable Curl
    Overhead Cable Curl
    Elliptical 30 mins
    Hanging Leg Raises
    Dumbbell Standing Side Bends
    Side Plank
    Weighted 45 Degree Side Bend
    45 Degree Back Extensions
    Straight Leg Deadlift

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    Barbell Upright Row
    Barbell Behind Neck Press
    Standing Low-Pulley Deltoid Raise
    Reverse Machine Flyes
    Front Dumbbell Raise

    Elliptical One Hour

    I do 3 sets at 10 reps each. I lift heavy and need help on the last couple. Im pushing myself harder then ever so let me know what you all think.

  2. #2
    Question, how long does a typical workout take you doing all these lifts?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    2 hrs usually I think I don't pay attention to the clock

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by army_cobra View Post
    2 hrs usually I think I don't pay attention to the clock
    I ask bc if you plan on lifting with any type of intensity that's an awful lot of work to be done. Have you considered doing more with less?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    so less workouts with more sets? I started with 3 workouts per muscle group doing 3 sets and 10 reps and it just didn't feel like I was getting anything out of it, even if I upped the weight. I dont get it at all. I just started this workout 2 weeks ago and I feel it more but from what I know it is a lot of workouts

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by army_cobra View Post
    so less workouts with more sets? I started with 3 workouts per muscle group doing 3 sets and 10 reps and it just didn't feel like I was getting anything out of it, even if I upped the weight. I dont get it at all. I just started this workout 2 weeks ago and I feel it more but from what I know it is a lot of workouts
    I meant less exercises per day. Possibly something like begin each day with 1-2 big compound lifts that target the specific area. Squats deads, press, bench, cleans, rows, etc. I'd do these for 3-5sets for anything from 1-8reps. After that, choose a couple of ancillary/assistance lifts, isolation lifts, etc that specifically help drive progress in the main lifts while also targeting your weak points.

    On Wednesday for example you have 13 different exercise to do. 3 sets of each each that's 39 sets and 130 reps.... That's just too much for most people. The reason you feel this workout isn't necessarily bc it's any better than the last. It's more likely due to it being a new workout so you stress your body differently. Being unadapted to the new program will make you feel like that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Okay I get what your saying ill do some more research and see what I can come up with thanks.

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