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Thread: The REAL Gym Rules You'd Like To See

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Thumbs up

    Couldnt of happened to a better guy!

    See what happens when you dont respect the "Powers That Be."

    Oh well, life goes on.....and so does AR!



  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Well lets see.

    The no standing around naked in the locker room.

    The no wife beater unless you are approved by the national physique commitee.

    The mandatory full range of motion unless given permission by supplying valid reason to not using this range of motion.

    Dieting down while possessing no muscle foundation: Strictly prohibited.

    Armored patrol searching for cologne wearing designer clothes sporting pretty boys.

    No talking unless absolutely necessary.

    Those who overtrain their arms and abs: Punished severely. For one day everyweek, all potential bicep machines are removed from gym leaving those uneducated, at a loss.

    A biological scanner that scans anyone who uses AAS, assesses their training, dieting, and overall knowledge as well as their age and size (did they really do all they could before using) as well as their AAS knowledge. Those who do not pass, do not enter. (Okay, here I am adding a little science fiction but it's a nice thought).

    Movements made mandatory by all who enter (barring approved physical handicap): deep squats, deadlifts, bent over rows, clean and pressess.

    No ego allowed: only appreciation for determination and hard work no matter what the level of developement that person possess or how he or she looks.

    Any use of squat rack other than squating is strictly prohibited.

    I can't think of anything else right now.

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