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  1. #1
    rainbow91 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014

    Feel like answering some beginner questions?

    So I read up on some introductory stuff about roids. I'm 23 years old, about 5'11' and weight probably under 160lbs.. so I know I should at least gain around 20 lbs naturally before I can even think about beginning a cycle. Now, that's A LOT and I'm going to say especially for me based on my specs.. I also think I have always had lower than normal testosterone levels than most guys, because although I am decently tall I have a small frame, not much facial hair, a high pitched voice with no rasp or resonance, and not a very high libido.. my nickname at work is "highschool"

    I have made attempts at mass stacking before taking protien, creatine, and superpoop250, but not in excessive amounts.. More weight, less reps (around 8 lifts, 3 sets) focusing on particular muscle groups on different days and also making sure I'm taking days to recover and grow back the muscle fibers and avoiding fatigue.

    Basically I've made various attempts, my longest attempt was around 4 months, in that 4 month I gained realistically around 5 lbs of muscle. I've been displeased with my attempts. If you got any key tips or things I could try that maybe worked well for you I would be much obliged. Especially from anyone who's a beast now but used to be a skinny weakling like I am now would be even better lol

  2. #2
    Hrothgar's Avatar
    Hrothgar is offline Associate Member
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    Well for one if you think you have low test you should get tested for it. When you tried bulking in the past what as your routine like and how many calories a day were you consuming and were you tracking those calories? It really boils down to calories in vs calories out despite all the fancy diets and broscience so if you're eating 4000 calories a day you'll put on weight. I would just take creatine and eat a ton of meat to be honest, if you're bulking you should be able to easily get all your protein naturally. I can understand taking whey though if you have time restrictions on when you can eat. You should check out Starting Strength routine by Mark Rippetoe. It utilizes 3 full body workouts a week and if you eat a lot you should put on some weight. Try tracking calories with myfitnesspal.

  3. #3
    rainbow91 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Hrothgar View Post
    Well for one if you think you have low test you should get tested for it. When you tried bulking in the past what as your routine like and how many calories a day were you consuming and were you tracking those calories? It really boils down to calories in vs calories out despite all the fancy diets and broscience so if you're eating 4000 calories a day you'll put on weight. I would just take creatine and eat a ton of meat to be honest, if you're bulking you should be able to easily get all your protein naturally. I can understand taking whey though if you have time restrictions on when you can eat. You should check out Starting Strength routine by Mark Rippetoe. It utilizes 3 full body workouts a week and if you eat a lot you should put on some weight. Try tracking calories with myfitnesspal.
    That sounds like some really good advice, I've honestly never even paid attention to my calories. I'll definitely take you up on that, and test to see if I actually do have low levels

  4. #4
    Tanner Chambers is offline New Member
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    Nov 2013
    Also, don't forget about water intake as muscles are 75% water; especially while taking creatine. I recommend a gallon per day or 1 ounce for every pound of bodyweight. Good luck!

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