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Thread: quick 3 day split question. pls help!

  1. #1

    quick 3 day split question. pls help!

    Hey guys i'll be quick. I play rugby, I'm 6'2", 220, 13% lean, nothing special. average strength. I only train 3 times a week because i either practice, have a game, or work on my cardio (hill sprints) on the other days.
    I like compound movements, i'm not trying to win a show, more or less just keep my size or maybe put a few lbs on. diet is good, not perfect.
    question: typically i lift mon/wed/fri. i do some form of squat, some form of chest movement, chinups or rows, and then a shoulder movement, maybe a hanging clean/press.
    lately i was told to ditch that in favor of a legs/push/pull routine.
    does anyone have an opinion on that? my concern is if i do a full leg day and pulverize them, I will have a bad cardio session the next day/same with the other muscles. the way i do it now,i cover all parts, but am not overly sore the next day so i can play or run.
    any opinions/thoughts would be much appreciated thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Why not squats one day, upper body, then dead lifts the third?
    I do chest and shoulders the same day. I just have to lower the weight for shoulder work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Staaaaaaaaaaaaarting Strength

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by mmmbrownie View Post
    the way i do it now,i cover all parts, but am not overly sore the next day so i can play or run.
    any opinions/thoughts would be much appreciated thanks!
    This sentence worries me a little. To be honest, if you don't rip the muscle tissue, you aren't going to see any gains. I understand the reasoning, but it somewhat defeats the purpose of the gym to workout your muscles and not tear them. My recommendation is to tear those muscles up and feel the pain for a day or 2 after. If it was easy and painless, everyone would do it .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanner Chambers View Post
    This sentence worries me a little. To be honest, if you don't rip the muscle tissue, you aren't going to see any gains. I understand the reasoning, but it somewhat defeats the purpose of the gym to workout your muscles and not tear them. My recommendation is to tear those muscles up and feel the pain for a day or 2 after. If it was easy and painless, everyone would do it .

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