Hi guys lokking for help and feed back on my routine sugestions would be much appreciated im looking to use this to bulk and for each exercise I do 5 sets with 8 reps
Thanks in advance

DAY 1 chest Tris

Incline dumbell press

Flat bench press

Inclince dumbell flye

Weighted dips

Close grip bench press

Lying tricep extensions

DAY 2 legs calves abs

Barbell squats

Stiff leg deadlift

Leg press

Leg extensions

Lying leg curls

Standing calf raises

Cable crunches

Hanging leg raise 5 sets to failure


Day 4 shoulders traps

Seated barbell press

Upright roes

Lateral raises

Reverse flyes

Bumbell shrug

Barbell shrugs

DAY 5 back biceps abs


Bent over barbell roes

Lat pull down

Barbell curls

Seated bicep curls

Hammer curls

Decline weighted crunch

Reverse crunches 5 sets to failure

Day 6 and 7 rest