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Thread: arm only plan for 6 weeks whilst on cycle !!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    arm only plan for 6 weeks whilst on cycle !!!!!!!!!!

    okay so probally going to get flamed like mad here but here goes, after all its only 6 weeks of my life so why not give it a go. basically my arms are my lagging body part so im going to dedicate 6 weeks to just training them, every other day will be arms and that is all, arms are 16 inches now and would love to try add an inch and a half on is possible !!! will be consuming 4000cals a day and training will last 40 minutes.

    workout example
    monday: tri's & bi's & delts high reps 15-20 3 exercises on each & 4 sets
    tuesday rest
    wednesday: tri's & bi's & delts low reps 4-8 reps
    thursday rest
    friday same as monday session
    saterday rest
    sunday same as wednesday session & so on

    il be doing a 6 week cycle with this of prop,npp & tren a & anadrol also pinning 4-10iu's of humalog after each workout. im ugly enough and old enough to know what im doing. may be a waste however i may be pleased with results, like i said its 6 weeks of my life so believe its worth doing. adding an inche to an inch and a half possible guys ??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I'm not sure how to respond mate.

    Are you trying to be funny? Is that it?

    And if you are not, I'll just point out the obvious stuff

    You are not allowing sufficient time to rest. If you do not allow sufficient time to rest, you will significantly reduce your potential gains. Twice a week is plenty.

    I will let the others chime in now.

    I don't feel like typing out everything that is wrong with this.

    Maybe I should say I don't see anything right about it and leave it at that?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Maybe I should say I don't see anything right about it and leave it at that?
    Not even the "may be a waste" part of the post? If you don't end up being talked out of it, please keep this thread alive with daily progress reports and follow ups after completion.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    SoCal Stationed.. hell
    That's not very smart, not enough rest time, and why not train your arms harder and the rest lightly?? It'll make up for it in a few short weeks on a cycle

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum

  5. #5
    An inch and a half to your arms in 6wks? Not possible

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013
    You would need to gain about 20 lbs overall hahaha!

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