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  1. #1
    Fetch is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    On Cycle, I get very little/no soreness. Rest days?

    As indicated, when I'm on a blast, I get very little soreness. Typically off cycle, I hit each major group once a week with a couple of days off in between, and I'm pretty much constantly sore somewhere. Would it be advisable to go to 2x/week for major groups on cycle? I'm concerned that since I'm not getting sore, I'm not building as well as I could be - but I'm definately hitting it hard while I'm in the gym.

  2. #2
    m314 is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2008
    What does your split look like? If you feel like you can handle more volume, go for it. Either longer workouts or more frequent workouts. Just watch out for signs of overtraining. Joint pain, fatigue, etc.

  3. #3
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    May 2014
    This happens to me both on and off cycle. I know of 2 ways to fix this issue, not counting increase of mechanical load. The first is strategic deconditioning. This means taking 7-9 days off from training. There have been studies done the muscle growth improves after taking time off from training, and that up to 14 days can be missed without losing strength or muscle mass. Then next is changing chronic stimuli. Your muscle tissue will adapt to the load and stimuli as you continue to train. So this means you need to frequently change your routine. If you are using HIT then switch to volume training or HST. Whatever split you are using completely change it up and do something your muscle tissue isn't use to experiencing. Change the lifts and machines you are use to using along with repetition count.

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