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Thread: Upper/Lower FB

  1. #1

    Upper/Lower FB


    I'm running an upper/lower full body split and wanted some opinions and advice. I have two upper body routines which I use alternately and 1 lower body routine. I plan on running this for 4 weeks prior to an AAS cycle when I'll go back to splits. Any advice appreciated.

    Age 35
    Weight 83 KG
    Height 178 cm
    BF % 15

    Mon - UPPER
    Tues - LOWER
    Wed - OFF
    Thurs - UPPER
    Fri - LOWER
    Sat - OFF
    Sun - OFF

    Upper body 1

    All exercises are 8 x 3 sets.

    Seated rows
    Upright rows
    Shoulder press
    Bodyweight dips
    D/B curls

    Lower 1

    Leg press
    Calf raises

    Upper 2

    Incline DB press
    Seated rows
    Skull crushers
    EZ bar curls
    Shoulder press

  2. #2
    whats your goal? hypertrophy?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by swolehead View Post
    whats your goal? hypertrophy?
    Yes mate, muscle growth indeed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I would add in more direct back work such as pullups/chins or pulldowns. Day 2 of your upper drop the deadlifts. Although deads do hit the upperback and traps to a degree, they hit the lower back/spinal erectors hard. You could do 1 heavy set after squats.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Doesn't look like a good split. Not specific enough to individual muscle groups with consecutive exercises. You basically only have one exercise per muscle which is not enough. Even if u incorporate the muscle as a secondary mover in a diff exercise that's still only two exercises for one muscle.

    If I were u i would do one body part/day

    If u can't do that then add one more day to ur split and do muscle specific days


    Mon - legs
    Tues - chest
    Wed - off
    Thurs - back/biceps
    Fri - shoulders/triceps

    Sat/sun off

    For legs add in leg extensions and hamstring curls

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by gmantheman View Post
    I would add in more direct back work such as pullups/chins or pulldowns. Day 2 of your upper drop the deadlifts. Although deads do hit the upperback and traps to a degree, they hit the lower back/spinal erectors hard. You could do 1 heavy set after squats.
    Interesting point...I was always under the impression that although deads hit the lower back, they're a killer for the traps/upper back and subsequently, build the most mass?

    I'll definitely add wide grips for the back as an alternative to the deadlifts.


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