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Thread: Lat exercise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Lat exercise

    Hi guys

    Been doing power/hypertrophy training and was just wondering if I could get some help finding a power day lat exercise. I can't actually do chins yet and I do lat pull down on hypertrophy days. Any ideas what I could put in the program?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    I like db rows. Take a thumbless grip and concentrate on pulling up and back with your elbow not your hand. Think of your hand as a hook to hold the weight not grip the weight. When you put your thumb around the bar you'll activate more of the bicep. When the weight gets heavy use straps. You're training the lats not your grip.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    North Carolina
    I love the lat pulldown and if you can't do chin ups yet do you have a chin-up assisted machine that has the thing to put your knees on and add weight to make it easier? That is a great stepping stone I used for many of my clients. If the gym didn't have those I just used partner assisted pull-ups where the spotter puts pressure on the lifter's lower back.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Hey guys thanks for the reply... I thought the db rows was more for traps? Yeah I have the assisted machine perhaps that's the way to go!

  5. #5
    Good heavy deadlifts and power shrugs will definitely work the lats hard

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by teacherman View Post
    Hey guys thanks for the reply... I thought the db rows was more for traps? Yeah I have the assisted machine perhaps that's the way to go!
    Nah they're not, they're mostly for lats. I'd suggest bent over row, great power move.

  7. #7
    that's not power power is explosive it's the act of exerting as much force in as short a time as possible such as accelerating while running med ball throw. squat jump unless you are doing a bent over row and pulling it into your stomach as hard as you can your either training stability, endurance, streangth, or hypertrophy not power so now that that's cleared up if you actualy looking for a power training excersize for lat seated med ball slam is realy good for that you can grab a couple of mats to reduce noise if u wish.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by swolehead View Post
    that's not power power is explosive it's the act of exerting as much force in as short a time as possible such as accelerating while running med ball throw. squat jump unless you are doing a bent over row and pulling it into your stomach as hard as you can your either training stability, endurance, streangth, or hypertrophy not power so now that that's cleared up if you actualy looking for a power training excersize for lat seated med ball slam is realy good for that you can grab a couple of mats to reduce noise if u wish.
    You're right, I stand corrected.

    Pentlay rows are a good power exercise then, it's lat focused, same as a bent over row expect you lean right over, and pull the bar explosively from a dead stop on the ground each rep.

  9. #9
    +1 Pendlay row

    The hard part with lats is they are part of the back. I deadlift heavy twice a week and if I have to bend over for rows while stabilizing my core I get a hard lower back pump. Pendlay rows are great cause the bar rests on the floor between reps so theres no static pressure on the lower back.

    I have to throw Kroc rows into the hat as well. Repping these things out with heavy dumbbells with straps is just fun!

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