Hello all. I need some advice on my workouts at the gym with the main goal being to increase my lifts and to increase explosiveness for activities such as sprinting and jumping. I have sports training usually throughout the week with the weekends being free therefore I usually do low rep high weight type lifts later in the week so I have ample time to recover. Also, all workouts take place in the AM (if that is of any relevance).

I would like to follow this sort of program for 4 or so weeks just before my season begins and then i'll switch it up to maintain strength.


Back Squat - 3x12
Front Squat - 3x12
Walking Lunges - 3x10
Straight Leg Deadlifts - 3x10
Hamstring Curl - 3x10
Single leg press - 3x12
RDL - 2x10

Planks - 2x60secs
Leg raises - 3x15
Crunches - 1xuntil failure


Flat Bench Press - 4x12/10/8/8
Dumbell fly - 3x10
Incline Bench Press - 4x12/10/8/8
Pullovers - 3x10
Decline Bench Press - 3x12/10/8
Tricep pulldowns - 3x12
Kickbacks - 3x10
Tricep Dips - 2xuntil failure




Shoulder Press - 3x12/10/10
Side lat raise - 3x10
Front lat raise - 3x10
Wide Pull ups - 3x10/8/8
Dumbell Rows - 3x10
Chin ups - 3x10/8/8
Back extension - 3x10
Deadlifts - 3x10

Friday [Full body day]

Back Squat - 5x5
Deadlift - 5x5
Flat Bench Press 5x5
Pullups - 5x until failure
Barbell Bicep Curls - 3x10
Plank - 3x60 seconds

And on the weekend I will do plyometrics such as hill sprints.

Also, I am aware I don't directly do biceps except for maybe one time. They are an eye candy muscle and in my sport don't really help performance as much as other muscle groups.