Originally Posted by
Buster Brown
I would increase my protein to 1.5 grams per pound of lbm........ I don't care how much this is debated by guys half my age as I have tried what some are preaching with less protein and found that I did NOT grow as well as I do with more protein.
I think you are over training to be honest. It sounds like you are giving it 100% but there gets to be a point of diminished return which is where you are at. Try a 4 day split hitting everything once a week giving chest and shoulders some test....ex: chest on Monday and shoulders on Thursday while hitting tris twice a week. I like:
Day1) abs, chest, triceps, forearms
Day2) abs, back, bi's, traps, lower back
Day3) off or cardio
Day4)abs, shoulders , triceps, traps
Day5)abs, quads, hams, calves
Day6 and 7) rest or cardio on Sunday