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Thread: squats 5 x 5

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    squats 5 x 5

    I have been reading on this for some time.I read that doing the 5 x 5 squats promotes mass and strength,I have found it to be very true.I have only been doing it twice a week,the last read i did said to do it 3 times a week for maximum results.I am still soar when I am hitting it the second time should I wait until I am not as soar or just go for it.I do not want to over train my legs.Does any one else hit squats 3 times a week 5 x 5?It seems a bit much....

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I don't and most power lifters hit them twice a week. Once as a max effort and the other day is lighter and trained faster.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Depends on your goals.

    I've hit squats 3x a week a few times but my knees just hate me for it. If your doing a linear style 5x5 where you just add 5-10lb a week, go down 10-15lb and work your way back up with 5lb per week, this will give your legs a chance to adapt and not get as sore.

    Also if you're doing any accessories, drop them as they will contribute to the DOMS massively.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima
    Depends on your goals. I've hit squats 3x a week a few times but my knees just hate me for it. If your doing a linear style 5x5 where you just add 5-10lb a week, go down 10-15lb and work your way back up with 5lb per week, this will give your legs a chance to adapt and not get as sore. Also if you're doing any accessories, drop them as they will contribute to the DOMS massively.
    His goal is mass and strength which training 3 times a week will accomplish neither my friend.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    His goal is mass and strength which training 3 times a week will accomplish neither my friend.
    Yes it will and does. Increasing frequency and overall volume has been shown to produce better gains than just increasing volume.

    If OP is natural this is even more the case, there is a point of diminishing returns as to how much a muscle will rebuild after you break a muscle down. Naturally the muscle will only build so much at a time, so breaking it down more often instead of just demolishing it will produce better results as a natural. I can't speak for enhanced muscle growth.

    What works for you might not work for the next person. OP needs to find what he responds best to.

    OP feel free to do your own research, as you can see forums are full of conflicting opinions.
    Last edited by Khazima; 11-29-2014 at 05:41 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima
    Yes it will and does. Increasing frequency and overall volume has been shown to produce better gains than just increasing volume. If OP is natural this is even more the case, there is a point of diminishing returns as to how much a muscle will rebuild after you break a muscle down. Naturally the muscle will only build so much at a time, so breaking it down more often instead of just demolishing it will produce better results as a natural. I can't speak for enhanced muscle growth. What works for you might not work for the next person. OP needs to find what he responds best to. OP feel free to do your own research, as you can see forums are full of conflicting opinions.
    Sorry bro........ You are wrong. Training twice a week is more than enough and your cns will not repair or your quads. Big muscle groups don't recover in that manner. I have been training for 28 years, please don't tell me that they do. Have you yourself spent that type of time in the gym? I am not trying to be a dick but you are wrong. Pl's training for a meet do not train quads more then twice a week and bodybuilders on cycle may do a 3 on 1 off routine and that is hitting quads twice a week.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Sorry bro........ You are wrong. Training twice a week is more than enough and your cns will not repair or your quads. Big muscle groups don't recover in that manner. I have been training for 28 years, please don't tell me that they do. Have you yourself spent that type of time in the gym? I am not trying to be a dick but you are wrong. Pl's training for a meet do not train quads more then twice a week and bodybuilders on cycle may do a 3 on 1 off routine and that is hitting quads twice a week.
    You haven't spoken to enough powerlifters then. Plenty of them squat 3-5x a week, jason blaha is squatting 6 days a week right now. Olympic lifters squat very regularly.

    Sorry bro, but i'm not wrong. Your experience is certainly valuable but one persons experience doesn't trump thousands of others and science.

    I agree on the CNS aspect, training at maximal loads regularly will certainly burn you out which is why there is technique to squatting regularly, e.g not getting psyched up, and not lifting at your actual 1/3/5rms.

    Twice a week is a great way to go about it, especially the way you said one for strength one for power/hypertrophy but MANY people will squat 3x a week sometimes everyday to focus on their squat.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima
    You haven't spoken to enough powerlifters then. Plenty of them squat 3-5x a week, jason blaha is squatting 6 days a week right now. Olympic lifters squat very regularly. Sorry bro, but i'm not wrong. Your experience is certainly valuable but one persons experience doesn't trump thousands of others and science. I agree on the CNS aspect, training at maximal loads regularly will certainly burn you out which is why there is technique to squatting regularly, e.g not getting psyched up, and not lifting at your actual 1/3/5rms. Twice a week is a great way to go about it, especially the way you said one for strength one for power/hypertrophy but MANY people will squat 3x a week sometimes everyday to focus on their squat.
    Who are the thousands you speak of? You can google Center City Strength and Fitness and chat with Ed Puopolo. He is the owner of the gym, former junior Olympic record holder, has been a power lifter for over 30 years and has a gym full of power lifters. Please don't challenge me. Telling someone on a forum who obviously is looking for advice and saying it is ok to squat 3 times a week is absurd..... He will end up hurting himself more then likely and then what??????

  9. #9
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    Alright.. OP be careful squatting 3x a week... you might make some gains.

    You must've looked past that i mentioned there is a technique to squatting often.. 5x5 3x a week is not going to hurt you unless you're using a true 5 rep max for each set. 15 sets, 75 total reps of legs a week is not going to kill anybody. Upping frequency is one of the best ways to increase volume.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    who the hell is op?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
    who the hell is op?
    Origional post/er :P

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Who are the thousands you speak of? You can google Center City Strength and Fitness and chat with Ed Puopolo. He is the owner of the gym, former junior Olympic record holder, has been a power lifter for over 30 years and has a gym full of power lifters. Please don't challenge me. Telling someone on a forum who obviously is looking for advice and saying it is ok to squat 3 times a week is absurd..... He will end up hurting himself more then likely and then what??????
    I have squatted 3x a week for over 2 years now. I have made consistent progress in both strength and size in legs. Injury happens when form degrades which is more often the case for higher reps per set NOT frequency per week. You have made progress lifting the way you have but it's not the only way to lift.

    You can google Rippetoe, Pendlay, Smolov, Broz, Starr, etc and you'll note they all advocate frequent squatting. I've seen an Olympic lifter's training regimen where he was squatting twice a day 4 days a week and he had very impressive strength and size development. Suffice to say there are many ways to skin a cat and squatting 3 or more times a week, within the context of an intelligent program, is certainly one of them for many people.

  13. #13
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    Sep 2014
    i am always try not to work a muscle when it is already sore,but i have kept at it and i see size strength and fat decrease.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123
    I have squatted 3x a week for over 2 years now. I have made consistent progress in both strength and size in legs. Injury happens when form degrades which is more often the case for higher reps per set NOT frequency per week. You have made progress lifting the way you have but it's not the only way to lift. You can google Rippetoe, Pendlay, Smolov, Broz, Starr, etc and you'll note they all advocate frequent squatting. I've seen an Olympic lifter's training regimen where he was squatting twice a day 4 days a week and he had very impressive strength and size development. Suffice to say there are many ways to skin a cat and squatting 3 or more times a week, within the context of an intelligent program, is certainly one of them for many people.
    The key word is intelligent and the folks you have mentioned are being advised by knowledgeable people who write programs specific to them and take into account things like if they have to work for a living outside of weight lifting. Most guys don't have access to someone to write them up a program specific to them. Congrats on your progress, that is def some dedication.

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