I have been training for 28 years and would like to share some of the blunders I have learnt the hard way. If anyone would like to add to the list they are more then welcome.
!) Do not stretch a cold muscle.......Make sure you warm up on a piece of cardio equipment or get your heart rate up so that there is some blood in those muscles prior to a good stretch.....especially if your gym is cold in the winter.
2) Warm up your delts prior to doing any type of shoulder press. Light laterals are a great way to warm them up and other variations.
3) Strengthen that lower back. Just training your lats is not enough by itself to strengthen your lower back. Without a strong lower back you will never have a strong deadlift or squat and it will be a weaklink in your training. Hypers, reverse hypers, seated good mornings need to find there way into your routine.
4) Grip width..... The wider your grip the more shoulder problems you will be facing and you will actually not being as strong as you could be. By altering your grip and gradually bringing it IN will pay dividends and keep you doing your favorite exercises.
5) Good form.....when you are young you just want to be strong and yes...form suffers. Being older and watching the same guys in the gym do the same things I used to do just makes me laugh....Squatting a foot from being parrallel, military presses to the your eyebrows, benching with the bar 6 inches from your chest!!!!!!! C'mon! the comedy doesnt get any better. I respect the guys that practice good form from the start and dont give in to there ego and peers. I can also guarantee that they will develop better as well.
6) Overtraining.....I am still guilty. It is important to cycle maintenance routines in your training to avoid injuries and let your body recover. If you do not plan off periods of training ( training at 80% or so) then you will not progress and your chances of injury are greater.
7) Too heavy....Going heavy is imperative for muscle hypertrophy to occur but we need to do it wisely. Going up in weight to fast can sometimes lead to disappointment when doing a feel set of 1 rep with a weight between the one you just did and the one you are going for could have been the bridge you needed to prepare you for that big set.
8) Change up you routine a few times a year...New routines are great but sometimes we stay on them for too long and the things that were once fantastic have lost there luster. We try in an effort to beat it to death because it used to work like a charm and now.......its time to change it up. This is hard to do for alot of us but it is necessary to do in order to move forward.
9) Keep realistic expectations....You are better off setting small attainable goals and work towards them. This approach will also keep you focused on your training. You will also realize that it takes many steps to reach the top of the mountain. This will also teach you patience and perserverance. Everyone wants to look like "that guy" but are you ready to put the time into the gym that he does?
10) Have fun with it.....This should be your happy place! something you love to do not have to do. I have been bigger and I have been smaller and at some point I will just be happy to get to the gym......Fit for Life!