Been running Push Pull legs split 3 on 1 off for a while, love this routine however I want to make it slightly more challenging I been doing this for a while. My current split
Day 1: Chest/triceps/delts
1.) Decline Bench press 3x6-8
2.) Dumbbell shoulder press 3x6-8
3.) Incline dumbbell bench press 3x6-8
4.) Fly's 3x10-12
5.) Dips 3x10-12
6.) Side lateral raises 3x10-12
7.) Rope Push downs 3x10-12
8.) Overhead Extensions
Day 2: Back/biceps/Traps/rear delts
1.) Bent over rows 3x6-8
2.) Lat Pull downs 3x8-10
3.) Face pulls 3x10-12
4.) Seated cable row 3x8-10
5.) Barbell curls 4x10-12 alternating the grips
6.) Dumbbell hammer curls 3x10-12
7.) Dumbbell shrugs 3x10-12
Day 3: Legs/abs
1.) Squats 4x6-8
2.) Leg press 3x8-10
3.) Leg extensions 3x10-12
4.) Hamstring curls 3x10-12
5.) Calf raise 3x15
6.) Calf press 3x15
7.) Weighed sit ups 4x10-12
(It's 3 on 1 off btw)
I'm natural also, I just feel like it's getting a tad easier, should I bump the sets up or reps up perhaps 8-10 reps on compounds instead of 6-8?
Also here's my progression pics following IIFYM/Push pull legs (My transformation, chubby to skinny to muscular)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.n...5782953f3188aa (my transformation part 2 regarding to abs)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.n...2f859a7e4eb066 (final transformation)
Thank you guys for your support, sorry for this question. Your probably sick of hearing or reading these threads
I just want a change but I want to know whats the most opitmal I can get. Also anyone else here follow a push pull legs routine?