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Thread: Anyone please help me with my Push Pull Leg or give me a little advance one (pics)

  1. #1

    Anyone please help me with my Push Pull Leg or give me a little advance one (pics)

    Been running Push Pull legs split 3 on 1 off for a while, love this routine however I want to make it slightly more challenging I been doing this for a while. My current split

    Day 1: Chest/triceps/delts
    1.) Decline Bench press 3x6-8
    2.) Dumbbell shoulder press 3x6-8
    3.) Incline dumbbell bench press 3x6-8
    4.) Fly's 3x10-12
    5.) Dips 3x10-12
    6.) Side lateral raises 3x10-12
    7.) Rope Push downs 3x10-12
    8.) Overhead Extensions

    Day 2: Back/biceps/Traps/rear delts
    1.) Bent over rows 3x6-8
    2.) Lat Pull downs 3x8-10
    3.) Face pulls 3x10-12
    4.) Seated cable row 3x8-10
    5.) Barbell curls 4x10-12 alternating the grips
    6.) Dumbbell hammer curls 3x10-12
    7.) Dumbbell shrugs 3x10-12

    Day 3: Legs/abs
    1.) Squats 4x6-8
    2.) Leg press 3x8-10
    3.) Leg extensions 3x10-12
    4.) Hamstring curls 3x10-12
    5.) Calf raise 3x15
    6.) Calf press 3x15
    7.) Weighed sit ups 4x10-12

    (It's 3 on 1 off btw)

    I'm natural also, I just feel like it's getting a tad easier, should I bump the sets up or reps up perhaps 8-10 reps on compounds instead of 6-8?

    Also here's my progression pics following IIFYM/Push pull legs (My transformation, chubby to skinny to muscular)

    https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.n...5782953f3188aa (my transformation part 2 regarding to abs)

    https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.n...2f859a7e4eb066 (final transformation)

    Thank you guys for your support, sorry for this question. Your probably sick of hearing or reading these threads
    I just want a change but I want to know whats the most opitmal I can get. Also anyone else here follow a push pull legs routine?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    Quote Originally Posted by gymfreak9 View Post
    Been running Push Pull legs split 3 on 1 off for a while, love this routine however I want to make it slightly more challenging I been doing this for a while. My current split

    Day 1: Chest/triceps/delts
    1.) Decline Bench press 3x6-8
    2.) Dumbbell shoulder press 3x6-8
    3.) Incline dumbbell bench press 3x6-8
    4.) Fly's 3x10-12
    5.) Dips 3x10-12
    6.) Side lateral raises 3x10-12
    7.) Rope Push downs 3x10-12
    8.) Overhead Extensions

    Day 2: Back/biceps/Traps/rear delts
    1.) Bent over rows 3x6-8
    2.) Lat Pull downs 3x8-10
    3.) Face pulls 3x10-12
    4.) Seated cable row 3x8-10
    5.) Barbell curls 4x10-12 alternating the grips
    6.) Dumbbell hammer curls 3x10-12
    7.) Dumbbell shrugs 3x10-12

    Day 3: Legs/abs
    1.) Squats 4x6-8
    2.) Leg press 3x8-10
    3.) Leg extensions 3x10-12
    4.) Hamstring curls 3x10-12
    5.) Calf raise 3x15
    6.) Calf press 3x15
    7.) Weighed sit ups 4x10-12

    (It's 3 on 1 off btw)

    I'm natural also, I just feel like it's getting a tad easier, should I bump the sets up or reps up perhaps 8-10 reps on compounds instead of 6-8?

    Also here's my progression pics following IIFYM/Push pull legs (My transformation, chubby to skinny to muscular)

    https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.n...5782953f3188aa (my transformation part 2 regarding to abs)

    https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.n...2f859a7e4eb066 (final transformation)

    Thank you guys for your support, sorry for this question. Your probably sick of hearing or reading these threads
    I just want a change but I want to know whats the most opitmal I can get. Also anyone else here follow a push pull legs routine?
    Well for starters I would maybe drop a little volume and when you do your second three days don't repeat what you did the first three. Ex...if you do bent over rows on your first back day then change up the next one with t-bar rows ....pulldowns and change up with weighted chins. Dbl shoulder presses can be swapped out with standing military. Make the first 3 day sequence in the 4-8 Rep range and the second time around make it a 8-12 Rep range sequence.

  3. #3
    Thank you so much dude !
    This has to be the answer I was looking for, gosh this forum is so much better than Teen forums haha
    thanks bud!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    gettin lucky in kentucky
    1st awesome transformation!
    2nd I agree with BB 100%. a little less volume and changing you movements and reps can do wonders.
    my advice too you is since you are "natural" (stay that way) do less sets for each of your movements, substitute movements and try 2 days rest in your split.
    ex. day 1 chest/tri's/delts
    flat bench (db or bb) 2 sets 8-10 reps
    incline bench (db or bb) 2 sets 8-10 reps
    flyes, dips or cable crossovers pick 1 and 2 sets to failure
    shoulder press (db or bb, seated or standing) 2 sets 8-10 reps
    side laterals or front raises (db or cables) 2 sets 12-15 reps
    skullcrushers or db overhead extensions 2 sets 8-10
    cable pressdowns (straight bar, v bar or rope) 2 sets 12-15 reps

  5. #5
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    OMG! What a cHange. Be very proud of your accomplishment! Wow!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Great progress man, agree with above advice.

  7. #7
    nice job man good shit u got your answer all I would add in is do some deadlifts I forgot your workout and I got the flu so I don't rlly wana reread it and tell you wen to do them sorry bout that.... but one question r ur plans to stay natty for life or start wen ur old enough

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    well done and keep it up.

    Agree with Buster

  9. #9
    Thank you guys, means a lot to me honestly.
    Yeah it's just im slacking around the triceps a little gonna try bring them up along with quads. Will upload leg pics as well

    Sorry for late reply
    I actually like this forum more than (too many trolls and noobs on there giving wrong advice) I like this forum haha
    cheers guys

  10. #10
    Day 1 Legs:
    1.) Squats 4x5-8
    2.) Leg Press 3x8-10
    3.) Leg Extensions 3x10-12
    4.) Hamstring curls 3x10-12
    5.) Calf raises 3x15
    6.) Weighted Sit ups 3x12-15

    Day 2: Chest/triceps/delts
    1.) Barbell bench press 3x5-8
    2.) Barbell overhead press 3x5-8
    3.) Incline Bench press 3x5-8
    4.) Dips 3x8-10
    5.) Side lateral raises 3x10-12
    6.) Push downs 3x10-12
    7.) Overhead extensions 3x10-12

    Day 3: Back/biceps/Rear Delts/ Traps
    1.) DeadLifts 3x5-8
    2.) Weighted Pull ups 3x5-8
    3.) FacePulls 3x10-12
    4.) Incline dumbbell row 3x8-10
    5.) Barbell Curls 4x10-12
    6.) Hammer curls 3x10-12

    Day 4: Rest

    Day 5: Legs/abs Hypertrophy
    1.) Squats 3x8-12
    2.) Leg press 3x8-12
    3.) Leg extensions 3x12-15
    4.) Hamstring curls 3x12-15
    5.) Calf raises 3x15
    6.) Weighted sit ups 3x12-15
    7.) crunches 3xF

    Day 6: Chest/triceps/Deltoids hypertrophy
    1.) Bench press 3x8-12
    2.) DB shoulder press 3x8-12
    3.) Incline DB bench press 3x8-12
    4.) Fly's 3x8-12
    5.) Close grip benh press 3x8-12
    6.) Push downs 3x10-12
    7.) Overhead extensions 3x10-12

    Day 7: Back/biceps/traps/rear delts hypertrophy
    1.) Barbell Bent over rows 3x8-12
    2.) Lat pull downs 3x8-12
    3.) Cable cross overs 3x10-12
    4.) Cable rows 3x8-12
    5.) incline dumbbell curls 3x8-12
    6.) Hammer curls 3x8-12
    7.) Shrugs 3x8-12

    Is this a lot better guys

  11. #11
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    If it were me.. And that's just ME. I'd do like heavy bench, then hypertrophy on the shoulder press, then the second push day do heavy press with hypertrophy bench. Something like that. Then move the dead lift to leg day and do heavy squat and rep deads, then second leg day other way around. I never liked deads on back day. Maybe other people can chime in but these are things I'd do.

  12. #12
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    You never do abs?
    Oh i found one exercise hiding at the very end when i looked at it again.

    I would do abs more often and change it up sometimes so i'm not doing weighted crunches all the time.

    Also I think seated calf raises are worth including.
    Last edited by RewardingLabor; 01-28-2015 at 07:49 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Abs can be done everyday....they are your weakest link. If you don't like them then do them at the start of every workout and get them out of the way. There are a ton of ab exercises pick one or two per workout and do 1 or 2 sets to failure and move on.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Impressive transformation..

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