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Thread: I found a page claim to lose 20lbs fat in 12 weeks... Please review

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    I found a page claim to lose 20lbs fat in 12 weeks... Please review

    hello friends,
    I was searching for full program to cur down my fat
    I am at 20% bodyfat(measured today)
    I am 21yo and weigh 190 pounds or 86KG

    I want to lose fat and I found this link
    12 Week Fat Destroyer: Complete Fat Loss Workout & Diet Program | Muscle & Strength

    it has full diet and training schedule for 12 weeks claiming to lose atleast 20 pounds of fat
    please check it and review if I should start it from coming monday

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Ontaio, Canada
    At first read I thought it said 20lbs in 12 days, had to edit my post. That is very attainable in my opinion and experience. I lost 50lbs and put on a couple pounds of muscle in just over 3 months. I was pretty over weight, went from 300 to 250 training every day and eating healthy.
    Last edited by zempey; 01-07-2015 at 10:07 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    but i need to lose fat bro
    about 8.6KG of fat
    is it impossible in 12 weeks ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Ontaio, Canada
    Reread, sorry bro I misread it the first time. It is very attainable.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    94 problem bro
    i see...can you tell me what diet and workout schedule did u follow during your weightloss time bro?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Ontaio, Canada
    I didn't follow a specific diet, the main thing I did was quit drinking for 90 days, that in turn helped cut out junk food. I ate clean, chicken breast, veggies, limited my starchy carbs to early in the day. The key is to find what your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is, that is how many calories you burn in total per day. From there you subtract about 500, this should get you headed in the right direction. My Fitness Pal app is good for tracking calories, check it out, I think it will help you take the guess work out of it. I have been at this for a long time so I can do it by eye, I know my body and how it responds.

    As for training, focus on weights, you want to build muscle, it will help you burn more calories at rest, plus muscle is the ultimate goal. My training split is 5 on 2 off, but I would go in on my off days if I felt good and do cardio. Mon-back, Tues-chest, Wed-off/cardio, Thurs-legs, Fri-shoulders, Sat-arms, Sun-rest/cardio. I would do 10 min treadmill warm up and after my weights 30-45 min cardio of your choice. Normally I will do 5 min warm up and 15 min after, but when losing the weight, I bumped it up.This split works for me, but you can experiment and find what works for you.

    Dedication and consistency are the key to dropping the weight. Be consistent in the gym, put the time and and put forth a true effort. The kitchen is going to make or break you, look through the diet section and ask question, the gurus there will get you set up and answer any questions you have.

    Good luck, stick with it and stick around here and learn as much as you can. There are some very helpful and knowledgeable people here.

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