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Thread: deadlift grip

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    deadlift grip

    Never really did 1max reps so I dont know whats my max DL.

    I can do about 12 reps with 220lbs, after that my hands starts to splip. Putting more weight it gets worse.
    With more weight I can only do like 6 reps before the hand starts to fail.

    What I mean is the hands fails before my body so I feel Im not getting the most out of exercise.

    What can I do to improve my grip? Only way is to use wrist straps?

    Cheers guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Ontaio, Canada
    Use straps on the heavier sets, I have the same problem with shrugs and bent rows.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Try to use straps as little as possible otherwise your grip doesn't get a chance to get stronger, in saying that don't let your grip hinder your development, if you get to a point in a workout where you just can't hold on, then wear straps to finish your workout.

    There's a few things you can do for grip, one of my favorites is grabbing some plates (however heavy you can handle) and hold onto them with your fingertips for as long as you can. Also, one-arm hangs or just holding onto a pull-up position, heavy rows and deadlifts will improve it over time as well, just keep working at it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I only use straps when absolutely needed - like the last couple or few sets

  5. #5
    Straps don't improve your grip, they only inhibit gaining strength in your grip. Look up the hook grip it may help you out.

  6. #6
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    May 2013
    Agreed, straps or chalk or the like. Will do A LOT to you deadlifts. You do have the thumb-lock as well but for me it hurts too much to concentrate and do a PB.

    As above stated it's good to learn without. I don't even use belt, but belt is rec on heavier weights. But for guys like me with skinny ass underarms it takes forever to be able to grip my weights.
    I can go up to 150-160 kg in dead without straps but only do one or two sets. But those are the best tips you can get for strengthen your grip. Lock training is great!

    But for my PB i need straps or chalk. It's like training calves, for some it never happens anything or go freaking slow.

  7. #7
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    I started using the hook grip a while back. hurt like hell the first month or so but I got used to it I guess. I found straps helped with deadlifting, not grip strength. When I deadlift I do everything I can to concentrate on the lift and executing it properly, I found worrying/paying attention to my grip or lack there of was hindering the actual deadlift. For that reason I use straps when I just cant hold the bar any longer while performing the lift correctly. I prefer ancillary exercises for actually improving my grip strength, the benefit of which is better deadlift grip. just my .02.


  8. #8
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    True! All pain subside after a while if you keep going. Thumb-lock is excellent, not sure how far you can go with that tho but i guess a lot.
    And paying attention to the grip, do not EVER eat tacos or too much fiber before deadlift PB or you end up like this guy....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Thanks guys! Will look into hook grip and get some straps.

    Used to have a pair of straps like 10 years ago, stopped using because didnt want to neglect grip/forearm, guess i have to go back to it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    Over under grip and chalk up!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Over under grip and chalk up!
    Can't believe we all, incl myself forgot "over & under" grip. That is the basic must do ^^

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    Straps don't improve your grip, they only inhibit gaining strength in your grip. Look up the hook grip it may help you out.
    This is absolutely correct!

  13. #13
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    Not using them may inhibit growth in your back and traps. I only used them when the weight got too heavy to hold without them, not too many normal people will be holding 400+ with grip strength alone. I haven't been using them lately because of some nerve issues in my wrists.

  14. #14
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    Jun 2014
    I am surprised nobody here as recommended heavy farmers walks as a grip strengthener. Check them out, exercise also strengthens many other key areas in the dead lift, but yeah over hand underhand gives me way more power then the double overhand, Just keep dead lifting without straps and your grip strength WILL go up, just give it time, chalk is essential and squeeze the shit out of the bar, i worked up to a 600 pound rack pull strapless without any sort of grip training.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    Not using them may inhibit growth in your back and traps. I only used them when the weight got too heavy to hold without them, not too many normal people will be holding 400+ with grip strength alone. I haven't been using them lately because of some nerve issues in my wrists.
    Sure....when you get into the mid 400's this def becomes an issue but I have seen far too many people rely on wraps over the years. Some probably have no idea others could probably care less. Even on bbl shrugs I won't use wraps unless I go beyond 450.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Sure....when you get into the mid 400's this def becomes an issue but I have seen far too many people rely on wraps over the years. Some probably have no idea others could probably care less. Even on bbl shrugs I won't use wraps unless I go beyond 450.
    Yeah relying on straps is definitely not a good habit to get into along with wearing a belt to often which I am guilty of. Although I do feel like if your hitting dead's first, hit them strapless, then don't be afraid to add in straps for the rest of your back session [if back hypertrophy is your goal] because dead lifts can really hit the forearms hard which could hinder your ability to fully stimulate your back because the smaller muscle [forearms] will always hit failure first before the back

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Thanks guys! Will look into hook grip and get some straps.

    Used to have a pair of straps like 10 years ago, stopped using because didnt want to neglect grip/forearm, guess i have to go back to it.
    dude screw that all you need is chalk keep thinking like you used to about them dont go back. if you can't deadlift the weigh cuz your grip then don't deadlift it untill your grips strong enough also like they said over under. your only as strong as your weekest link my thoughs are when you support the weakest link how is it going to get stronger

  18. #18
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    But if the main muscle targeted isn't forearms, why let that hinder performance? I totally agree to not rely on them, I only use them when I need to. To each their own, we all do what works for us, no one pays me to train so I will use straps when I go heavy enough to need them. As long as the grip gets stronger from always trying to hold more than last time, there is no down side to using them.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Same^^^^ straps and chalk. Always go for best and your grip should get stronger. Cheers...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by swolehead View Post
    dude screw that all you need is chalk keep thinking like you used to about them dont go back. if you can't deadlift the weigh cuz your grip then don't deadlift it untill your grips strong enough also like they said over under. your only as strong as your weekest link my thoughs are when you support the weakest link how is it going to get stronger
    I have to say I disagree with the "if you cant hold it don't lift it" mentality. If your a PL then then I can see the rational because straps aren't allowed in comps, but if your a BB or just a recreational lifter I see no reason to neglect training lower back (along with the multitude of other muscles that are worked when doing heavy deads) just because our forearms are weaker. That's like cutting of your nose to spite your face. Just throw in some grip strength exercises and build up those forearms.


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter View Post
    I have to say I disagree with the "if you cant hold it don't lift it" mentality. If your a PL then then I can see the rational because straps aren't allowed in comps, but if your a BB or just a recreational lifter I see no reason to neglect training lower back (along with the multitude of other muscles that are worked when doing heavy deads) just because our forearms are weaker. That's like cutting of your nose to spite your face. Just throw in some grip strength exercises and build up those forearms.

    Terrible analogy but I agree lol, as long as you continue to build the grip in one way or another you should use straps if you have to, so you're not missing out on any development in other areas.

    I'm pretty lucky with grip, I can hold anything I can lift, which allows me leeway to use straps when my hands get raw without worrying about missing out on grip development.

  22. #22
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    Apr 2014
    All great tips thnx.

    Im going to continue to lift raw like used to, my normal technique is with over and under will test the the hook grip and see how it goes.
    Also going to get straps when on last set i wish to go further than my hands can hold.

  23. #23
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    I am still training strapless and on my final sets of bent rows I had a hard time concentrating on my back form due to my grip. I was pulling 315 and my back had plenty of power, but my grip was at it's limit. By the end of my workout I could barely hold onto anything, should be stronger next week. The nerve pain is almost gone so I might try straps in a few weeks for only the heavy sets.

  24. #24
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    Farmers walks are key to great grip strength imo they have developed mine no end

  25. #25
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    I will give them a try, what day do you do them on, legs, back?

  26. #26
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    Shoulders generally. I hold them about 3/4 inches from my body its very tough to hold and will destroy your forearms when its heavy

  27. #27
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    I think our dmbl only go to 125, if I hold them long enough that should work.

  28. #28
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    Thats plenty heavy do a good walk with em i normally do 4 runs up and down by the 4th run my forearms are in bits ha

  29. #29
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    Will give it a go on shoulder day, start at the 10's and see how they feel. We have a pretty good length hall from the front of the gym to the back, i will pace it out and see how long it is.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    Will give it a go on shoulder day, start at the 10's and see how they feel. We have a pretty good length hall from the front of the gym to the back, i will pace it out and see how long it is.
    Thats the way to do it let us know how you get on.

  31. #31
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    Kroc rows (heavy weight high rep rows) get some captain of crush, towel or rope pullups, buy some fat gripz and use them for most pulling exercises, plate pinch, so much to do.... i used to use straps a long time ago, throw them away and just go heavy on deads. Grip will get better for sure.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrich4 View Post
    Kroc rows (heavy weight high rep rows) get some captain of crush, towel or rope pullups, buy some fat gripz and use them for most pulling exercises, plate pinch, so much to do.... i used to use straps a long time ago, throw them away and just go heavy on deads. Grip will get better for sure.
    I currently need to use straps as the gym i've been training at more often has really rough knurling and my hands are destroyed, need to manage my calluses better.

  33. #33
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    I use a mouse pad cut into palm size pads, it is the best grip pad I have ever tries. The top it soft and easy on the skin and the bottom really grips the bar well. They last me a year or two before I need to replace them, and a 5-7 bucks, it is a minimal investment for the benefit.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    I use a mouse pad cut into palm size pads, it is the best grip pad I have ever tries. The top it soft and easy on the skin and the bottom really grips the bar well. They last me a year or two before I need to replace them, and a 5-7 bucks, it is a minimal investment for the benefit.
    I love this idea! Gonna try it tomorrow. As for straps, I'm with you on using them when needed to focus on other muscle groups. I'm good for up to 500+ deads raw, after that I find myself focusing too much on my grip and worrying about ripping a callus to be able to focus on my back/legs properly. Same with heavy barbell rows, straps are a great tool to focus on the back without worrying about grip fatigue. I've never specifically worried about grip strength, but I've always done a lot of pull ups and I think that's where most of my forearm development came from.

  35. #35
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    Tried the hook grip, cannot do it with my gym barbells, my home equip is also too thick although I dont have enough plates anyways.

  36. #36
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    I have a fairly good grip, but I like the feeling of security so I can really focus on the target muscle. I have been trying to improve my grip though, my forearms are still sore from back on monday. The mouse pads are the greatest tool I have ever used in the gym, even for pressing movements it takes the pressure of the steel against the bone away. It makes lifting much more comfortable, plus they grip the bar very well.

  37. #37
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    not all bars are created equal. there are bars that are made with a better bite on them that are ideal for deadlifting. check around your gym and see if theyve got one. chalk is your friend

  38. #38
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    Had no clue there was a different grip than this lol. Shows how much I know.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    Can't believe we all, incl myself forgot "over & under" grip. That is the basic must do ^^

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter View Post
    I have to say I disagree with the "if you cant hold it don't lift it" mentality. If your a PL then then I can see the rational because straps aren't allowed in comps, but if your a BB or just a recreational lifter I see no reason to neglect training lower back (along with the multitude of other muscles that are worked when doing heavy deads) just because our forearms are weaker. That's like cutting of your nose to spite your face. Just throw in some grip strength exercises and build up those forearms.

    that's a good point didn't think of it that way yes I'm a PL so that's why mentality is that way

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by swolehead View Post

    that's a good point didn't think of it that way yes I'm a PL so that's why mentality is that way
    Alot of amateur PL's (some don't) will use straps when they are training DL's at there 90% 1 Rep Max or more. None of them want to use them anymore then they have to at that point.

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