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Thread: 30 Mins Of Jogging Everyday + Lifting Enough for Fat Loss?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    30 Mins Of Jogging Everyday + Lifting Enough for Fat Loss?

    Hello friends,
    I am 21yo and weigh 188lbs and I am 5'10'' Tall
    20-21% bodyfat (measured at gym)

    I am aiming to lose about 8-10% bodyfat in 8-12 weeks
    I do 30 mins cardio(jogging) daily on treadmill and after jogging I do weight training (2 muscle groups. 3 exercises of each muscle total 6 Exercises) daily
    and I consume no more than 1700-2000 cals in which about 100g is carbs and 150g is proteins
    is it enough for me to achieve the target or I have to do something more?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I'm a runner and lift 3 times per week. The Primal diet has been helpful to maintain lean body mass and loss fat. I eat 3,500 "raw food" calories per day and this is key to gaining lean muscle and losing the fat. I'm 15% BF and look great for 6'4 195 pounds. Have not started cycle yet but will soon after my diet is solid. enjoy!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Keep the protein up and the calories down. It's gonna be kind of an experiment for you. But yes as long as your in a caloric deficit you will drop weight. Might wanna try some re feed days every once in a while.

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