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Thread: no weight gains on 1st cycle..HELP!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    brooklyn ny

    no weight gains on 1st cycle..HELP!!!!!

    !st cycle
    i am really expecting about 15lbs of lean muscle gain during this u can see during week 4 i cut out the primo and doubled up on the sust because im thinking the primo is keeping me from making big gains. can someone please help me.. alot of people said i should wait till about weeks 6-8 because there is where u make your most gains....bottom line im in my 5 th week and only gained 5 lbs (what should i expect???????????????)

    weight- started at 148
    now at 153.5

    w 1- 250 mg sust
    2- " and 100 primo
    3- " and 100 primo
    4- " and 200 primo
    5- " and 200 primo
    6- " and 100 primo
    7- " and 100 primo
    8- 250 mg sust.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Dallas, Texas
    5 lbs isn't horrible bro, even though it probably could be more....have you kept strict to your diet and training?? And did you study up on your cycle before you took it or was it just an "out of the blue" type thing?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    brooklyn ny
    i have been trainging about 4-5 times a week. ur right on the money though because im 5'8". i have totally cut out the primo and am doing 500mg of sust a week now. should i have cut out the primo? along with that i am taking weight gainer with creatine and eating like 3-4 meals a day. my set consit of high weight and low reps.....thanx for all u guys input. scheme-------

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    TeenPL is dead on... Eat more.

    Weight gainer or not, eating 3 or 4 meals isn't enough. Start counting cals and shoot for at least 4000cals total and at least 250 or 300g protein (careful cause the gainers are mostly sugars and high carbs; it's impairative to get enough protein). Most guys have no idea how much food or protein that is when they start.

    Training can't be "about" anything either; it is or it isn't. You need to get a solid plan and to stick to it (should've had one when you started). Good luck bro; it's not the gear... that's it's a small part of the equation.
    Last edited by Feli Fly; 06-18-2003 at 07:49 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    brooklyn ny
    thank for the input....i appreciate it

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