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Thread: Elbow and shoulder pain preventing use of heavy weight ? Advise , please

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave

    Elbow and shoulder pain preventing use of heavy weight ? Advise , please

    I train almost daily and have nothing but time so I have been doing lighter weight and 4 sets of 30 or 3 sets of 20 and 4 to 5 excerises per body part . . . . . with lighter weights

    I am 55 and I am sure that has a impact on my joint pain ?

    I was sick and had to take 5 weeks off the longest I have taken off since I started back in 2012 . During restart little if any pain due to very lightweights and just attempting to get the general soreness out ?

    I have been back in the gym since the 1st of Feb and started from scratch doing complete body w/o and getting sore .

    1st part of this week went back to 2 body parts a session ?

    On the second rotation I tried not super heavy but heavier weights and tried 15 reps and my elbows hurt during w.o and even more when I get home ? I have read and changed my form to not Hyper extend the elbow joint !

    Left Shouldrer is just a PITA to deal with since it is involved with almost every exercise ?

    I take TB - 500 .5mg 1 x a week, MSM daily, and 50mg of Deca wkly. I do not use an elbow support cuff ? and I am seeking advise as to where to turn ? I get free MRI's and Ultra Sounds from the VA Soooo !

    After 2 years of taking care with these 2 areas I am a little discouraged that I can never use heavy weights due to not a little pain but intense pain !

    Suggestions are invited & welcome !

    Oh I plan to hit the gym in a couple of hours and do Shoulders and tricepts and cardio ?

    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-22-2015 at 05:50 AM.

  2. #2
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    Proud Bostonian
    Well.......this might sound silly but how wide is your grip on say the bench, military press, pulldowns? Do you have the same pain when doing dbls? It may not fix the problem but it may make training more bearable by bringing your grip in. I am a big fan of DMSO....if you can source it, it does wonders.

  3. #3
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    Sep 2013
    depending on cause, different protocols might be in order - see a doc or good physical therapist.

    i'm 51, with severe arthritis in shoulder and mild arthritis in elbow. i need to warm up alot before going heavy (anything less than 8 reps), need to control range of motion, move slowly through motion and avoid certain exercises (no military's or inclines - pull-ups/downs are all neutral grip), and i've incorporated physical therapy exercises for my rotator cuff into my normal program. but... i can lift heavy sustainably (t least so far).

    good luck

  4. #4
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    If I were you I'd take full advantage of the free MRI's and ultrasounds.

  5. #5
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    I feel your pain Buzzard. I'll be 54 in March and after years of heavy lifting I can only train each lift about every 5-7 days. I've sort turned into a bench only lifter because of on going low back issues which restrict my squat and DL. But even with training the bench super heavy that only works every other workout. Due to my job and sleep my CNS doesn't recover from the heavy work like it used to. I continue to make good progress with this system however. There's no way I could train 5-6 days a week. More power to you man if you can. But if you find that you are needing more rest days don't be afraid to incorporate them. Your body is telling you something and you will still be able to make good progress. When I quit forcing myself to follow a "schedule" and allowed my body to dictate when it was ready to train the gains came back easily. Plus I don't just hurt all the time now. Best of luck man.

  6. #6
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Thanks for all your replies ? Please someome offer some positive replies ? My mind is not ready to stop training hard and I have actually planned my life around my daily w/o's and eating and preping food ? I am 100% disabled due to blood clots and the exercise has actually improved my condition ! I have to train and then elevate my lower exterenities and then prep food and just now really getting into good food and enjoying low carb tasty foods . My life evolves around my trainning and to stop would be a backward move in a good life style The pic is from Nov 2014 and I have leaned up more and got more defined since the pic but considering I was a pure tub of lard in Oct 2012 I am quite pleased with my results and coming up on 56 I had honestly hoped to have a 6 pac by Aug ? So maybe I can set ne goals and target ab work and even more cardio ? I find the trouble with cardio is the time has to increase the more of a routine I make it Oh I was at 242lbs in the pic and now on my way down to 220lbs at 6ft ? I am now 230lbs ?

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    Wow , major suck ! I did not want to see any of the answers given Still I do not feel that this many ppl would have the same thought process ? I guess I will get MRI and Ultra Sound ? I kinda feel it is age and I don't want to stop because I really am just starting to see good gains and I can stay with the lighter weight and deal with the elbow pain ? I am on TRT and possible I am doing more than this abused body should be ? I was just under the impression that with proper form that lifting was ageles ? I have started watching my bench and use the 90* elbow plane principle on all Chest exercises and yes inclines are what hurt my shoulder the most wether decline or upright incline ? As for the elbow I guess I will have to settle for light weight high reps and possible stay on a general routine of 3 sets of 20 and try to go as heavy as my body will allow ?

    It just kinda sux to never be able to for example do skull crushers with a couple of 45 plates and I am a little bigger than a lot of guys in the gym ? Just a mind set I guess ? The real pisser was , I hurt my shoulder maxing and onlt did 350lbs
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-23-2015 at 01:49 AM.

  7. #7
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    Actually Buzzard they were all positive replies. Everyone said they were able to continue to train and train hard by making a few changes. I've had 5 torn rotator cuffs and a torn labrum, 2 partially torn pecs in my 40ish years of training. But by modifying my training I'm as strong at 54 as I was in my 30s. I'm referring to my bench press as I did 585 just last year and that was my max back when I was 37. Now I have had to no longer do the 700+ squats but 400+ is ok for me now. I no longer train 6 days a week. On an average now its 3 days a week, sometimes 4 but then sometimes twice. I can honestly say my shoulders and joints feel the best they have in years. I don't hurt all the time now. And I'm thankful for that. But I'm a competitive person and still want to improve. I want to hit a 600 bench in competition while in my 50s.
    You don't have to give up training man, just modify it to allow time for the body to heal. I'm never going to quit. And neither will you. There's no way I could be in the gym 6 dsys a week. No way. Not with the way I train and with my goals.
    You'll find what works for you.

  8. #8
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    Actually Buzzard they were all positive replies. Everyone said they were able to continue to train and train hard by making a few changes. I've had 5 torn rotator cuffs and a torn labrum, 2 partially torn pecs in my 40ish years of training. But by modifying my training I'm as strong at 54 as I was in my 30s. I'm referring to my bench press as I did 585 just last year and that was my max back when I was 37. Now I have had to no longer do the 700+ squats but 400+ is ok for me now. I no longer train 6 days a week. On an average now its 3 days a week, sometimes 4 but then sometimes twice. I can honestly say my shoulders and joints feel the best they have in years. I don't hurt all the time now. And I'm thankful for that. But I'm a competitive person and still want to improve. I want to hit a 600 bench in competition while in my 50s.
    You don't have to give up training man, just modify it to allow time for the body to heal. I'm never going to quit. And neither will you. There's no way I could be in the gym 6 dsys a week. No way. Not with the way I train and with my goals.
    You'll find what works for you.
    You make a very good point ! I trained hard from 21 to 28 and abused the crap out of juice and had a gyno operation at 28 and had just bought a business and got married and children & on & on ? Had both mamory glands removed and really felt guilty and ashamed to go back in the gym ! Imy max then was only 450lbs and short of a veery smart training partner I don't really see 450lbs on bench ever again ? Not poor mouthing just not the way I am trainning ? Also this may sound strange but pure strength is not as much of a goal of mine as decent size and low BF% ! I would just like to be able to train daily and no sore pain ! I love good pain from a good w/o. Thanks for the info and . . . lol i am headed to the gym again food settled and GTG

  9. #9
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    Aug 2014
    The obvious thing is that pain usually comes from lifting heavy. If it hurts work around it til it heals. Maybe try sets of 10 and not 20-30 everyone is different so keep making changes. I make sure I don't sleep on the injury and get a gallon of water per day. Lots of BCAA's and ibuprofen. Massage and physical therapy is helpful but usually about $100 a visit. And a hard head makes a soft ass so if it hurts something has to change.

  10. #10
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    South Fla
    Buzzard I feel your pain . No literally . I had elbow surgery in November and haven't been able to really go heavy. If heavy weight is a problem , try doing pretty exhaust or a variation of gvt . It won't take very heavy weight and it will kick the cr@p out of you. At our age we have to be smarter. Even lighter weight with more time under tension will do wonders. One note, you mentioned 50 mg of decades a week? Going dosage for joints is 100 mg a week.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beethoven View Post
    Buzzard I feel your pain . No literally . I had elbow surgery in November and haven't been able to really go heavy. If heavy weight is a problem , try doing pretty exhaust or a variation of gvt . It won't take very heavy weight and it will kick the cr@p out of you. At our age we have to be smarter. Even lighter weight with more time under tension will do wonders. One note, you mentioned 50 mg of decades a week? Going dosage for joints is 100 mg a week.
    Thanks guys a bunch !
    It seems like I maybe making this to hard as I have not tried anything except 3 or 4 set per exercise and 4 to 5 exercises per body part ; then I will throw in one complete rotation of heavy and I pay for the heavy 3 to 4 day . I never do the same routine like Chest & Tris, Back & Bies , and Shoulders , Squats , & Deadlifts . I mix the combos up and on Squat & Deadlift day I mix in leg exercisesor maybe mix Just Dead Lifts & Squats on a day alone ? So I will adjust to a different # of reps and adjust as with everything . . . all ppl are different ?

    Thanks for the correct dosage on the Deca and I do tend to slip Tren in more often than not ? Does Tren give you dry joints ? ? THANKS

  12. #12
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    I know Times Roman is a big proponent of TB500 and it has good reviews. I've never tried it personally but a few years back TR told me about the benefits of MSM. 5 grams a day except during a cycle where I go to 10 grams a day helps my joints tremendously. MSM is cheap too.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    I know Times Roman is a big proponent of TB500 and it has good reviews. I've never tried it personally but a few years back TR told me about the benefits of MSM. 5 grams a day except during a cycle where I go to 10 grams a day helps my joints tremendously. MSM is cheap too.

    Yeah I am a promoter of TB - 500 I know it works ! I have canceled 2 surgeries because of it ! It has been used by Vets on Horses for years to repair injuries ! I am taking MSM and I agree it is cheap ! So I may try to start on 2 scoops as opposed to 1 ! Betoven suggested to increas my Deca from 50 mg a week to 100mg and I have no issues with that ?

    Does Deca or Tren cause dry joints ?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Yeah I am a promoter of TB - 500 I know it works ! I have canceled 2 surgeries because of it ! It has been used by Vets on Horses for years to repair injuries ! I am taking MSM and I agree it is cheap ! So I may try to start on 2 scoops as opposed to 1 ! Betoven suggested to increas my Deca from 50 mg a week to 100mg and I have no issues with that ?

    Does Deca or Tren cause dry joints ?
    buzzard I'm not experienced in tren , never used it. I do know deca will help as I have cycled with it and my close friend and gym bud uses it to aleviate his shoulder pains. He does 300 mg a week for about ten weeks, but the likes of kel and others on here do 100 mg a week for the joints with success . I do some heavy weight now and then for a while as I am not as worn out as others for my age but there are many ways of upping intensity without upping the pounds. I do better with lighter weights these days than the heavy.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beethoven View Post
    buzzard I'm not experienced in tren , never used it. I do know deca will help as I have cycled with it and my close friend and gym bud uses it to aleviate his shoulder pains. He does 300 mg a week for about ten weeks, but the likes of kel and others on here do 100 mg a week for the joints with success . I do some heavy weight now and then for a while as I am not as worn out as others for my age but there are many ways of upping intensity without upping the pounds. I do better with lighter weights these days than the heavy.

    Yeah I have tried to tell myself a quality w/o with good form is most inportant but to be kind big and doing nose breakers with a 25lb plate on each side just looks kinda wussy ? But then again I w/o at Anytime Fitness and I am in the top 10% as far as size goes So I really gues I sould be thankful I will be 56 this year and I am 100% disabled

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Yeah I have tried to tell myself a quality w/o with good form is most inportant but to be kind big and doing nose breakers with a 25lb plate on each side just looks kinda wussy ? But then again I w/o at Anytime Fitness and I am in the top 10% as far as size goes So I really gues I sould be thankful I will be 56 this year and I am 100% disabled
    There you go. I compete with myself now and not everyone else. Your last sentence speaks volumes , you're one of the top dogs in the gym and you're 100% disabled ? Are you kidding me? At least you're doing skull crushers I haven't done them, or be able to do them I should say for ten years. I'm hoping the surgery will let me do it again but hey you're no too shabby brother.

  17. #17
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    I got a similar problem with shoulders. I cannot for the life of me lift anything remotely heavy (even light) above my head due to crazy bicep pains. I even feel it affecting my chest flies nowadays. Might have to get it checked, 100% sure its tendinitis.

    I found that resistance bands (with dumbells) have allowed me to an extent to put adequate resistance on my overhead lifts without aching my bicep too much.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beethoven View Post
    There you go. I compete with myself now and not everyone else. Your last sentence speaks volumes , you're one of the top dogs in the gym and you're 100% disabled ? Are you kidding me? At least you're doing skull crushers I haven't done them, or be able to do them I should say for ten years. I'm hoping the surgery will let me do it again but hey you're no too shabby brother.
    I know you have read it ? But I would never ever consider surgery util I had tried a heavy spaced doseage of TB - 500 It will cost but still less than the co-pay on most Insurance and no going under the knife ? Just INHO Plz give TB - 500 a try before surgery ! ! !

  19. #19
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    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    I train almost daily and have nothing but time so I have been doing lighter weight and 4 sets of 30 or 3 sets of 20 and 4 to 5 excerises per body part . . . . . with lighter weights

    I am 55 and I am sure that has a impact on my joint pain ?

    I was sick and had to take 5 weeks off the longest I have taken off since I started back in 2012 . During restart little if any pain due to very lightweights and just attempting to get the general soreness out ?

    I have been back in the gym since the 1st of Feb and started from scratch doing complete body w/o and getting sore .

    1st part of this week went back to 2 body parts a session ?

    On the second rotation I tried not super heavy but heavier weights and tried 15 reps and my elbows hurt during w.o and even more when I get home ? I have read and changed my form to not Hyper extend the elbow joint !

    Left Shouldrer is just a PITA to deal with since it is involved with almost every exercise ?

    I take TB - 500 .5mg 1 x a week, MSM daily, and 50mg of Deca wkly. I do not use an elbow support cuff ? and I am seeking advise as to where to turn ? I get free MRI's and Ultra Sounds from the VA Soooo !

    After 2 years of taking care with these 2 areas I am a little discouraged that I can never use heavy weights due to not a little pain but intense pain !

    Suggestions are invited & welcome !

    Oh I plan to hit the gym in a couple of hours and do Shoulders and tricepts and cardio ?

    are you on HRT with testosterone? I would rec getting bloods if not and checking out T levels and the rest .
    Good luck man! keep it up and stick to it! : )

  20. #20
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    I had to do it. Maybe should have done it sooner . Well I'm repaired so he we go again.
    I guess 10 years, I waited long enough. Lol

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Horus- View Post
    are you on HRT with testosterone? I would rec getting bloods if not and checking out T levels and the rest .
    Good luck man! keep it up and stick to it! : )

    I get BW every 4 mths. and a COMPLETE phycial with MRi and x-Rays 1 x a year , But I have not had my elbows or shoulder specificly checked .

    I am just courious as to what you think BW would tell me about may shoulder or elbow ?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Horus- View Post
    are you on HRT with testosterone? I would rec getting bloods if not and checking out T levels and the rest .
    Good luck man! keep it up and stick to it! : )

    I get BW every 4 mths. and a COMPLETE phycial with MRi and x-Rays 1 x a year , But I have not had my elbows or shoulder specificly checked .

    Why you say that any way ? I am just courious as to what you think BW would tell me about may shoulder or elbow ?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Well.......this might sound silly but how wide is your grip on say the bench, military press, pulldowns? Do you have the same pain when doing dbls? It may not fix the problem but it may make training more bearable by bringing your grip in. I am a big fan of DMSO....if you can source it, it does wonders.
    I use Volirian Gel now and GNC Anacure ! Both are great topicial gels I just don't always use them as I should ?

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