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Thread: Superset and stripping

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Superset and stripping

    Supersets and stripping for muscle mass or quality? It is true that the stripping burning muscle mass? When you prefer to enter supersets and stripping in your routine? Gain Mass? Precontest? If I want to do a first cycle only test where the goal is to build quality muscle and little muscle and not fat increase which training method is recommended?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    They are techniques used in varying degrees throughout your workout . I personally find them to be the most beneficial to me when doing a HIT program that I include them into heavy working set of a given exercise. There are other techniques as well such as drop sets, rest/pause, forced reps. All of these techniques are used to breakdown the muscle as much as possible. I feel they should be sprinkled throught out your workouts for them to be most effective and not used for every set ....etc or you will sustain and in jury.

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