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Thread: Lifting belts?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Lifting belts?

    I've read claims that lifting belts don't help that much. I have been having some lower back pain lately from heavy leg workouts. When I do squats it puts strain on my back and I am not going to stop doing squats. I was just wondering if anyone uses a belt while doing squats and if it is totally necessary. I am also planning on working hyperextensions and stiff legged deadlifts into my workout. I'm still ironing out a solid routine and trying to get everything into place. I'm just looking for other peoples views on lifting belts, pros and cons.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    the hypererextentions and deadlifts will help a lot because when you use a weight belt it weakins your lower back you might want to lower the weight and let you lower back strengthen up so you can do squats without using the belt JMO...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I don't use a belt currently. Just looking for opinions whether I should get one or not. I'm thinking no, just try to strengthen my lower back. I already pack a lot of sets and reps into a one hour workout. I'm working out a four day split that I hope I will be able to work in more key body parts like lower back and hit shoulders a little more. I'll get it all worked out. Thanks JRMY.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Go without a belt it will make the lower back stronger.But remember to use good form all the time...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    im sure everyone on the board is going to agree to not using a belt.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Toronto, Canada

    An exception

    I have to say that I don't agree with not wearing a belt. When you are lifting really heavy and you think you may be putting your back into a compromising position, use a belt. Otherwise I agree with not using a belt. I have been using a belt for years but I have also done exercises to strengthen my lower back. Believe me, you will regret not using one on the day that you screw up your back.

    Capital X

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The captains reply makes me think more on the subject. It all depends on your goals powerlifting to be fit to gains size whatever if its just to stay fit no bb maybe powrlifter deffinatley
    powerlifting you damn near want to wrap everything IMO....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i use a belt for heavy squats and heavy deadlifts. that's it, nothing else

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Re: Lifting belts?

    Originally posted by FLY
    I have been having some lower back pain lately from heavy leg workouts...
    I think you'll find that lifting belts are subective in nature - some people will be for them, some against them.

    My own take, FWIW: I've found that many types of belts - whether lifting belts used by lifters or safety belts worn by warehouse workers and nurses - tend to make people careless. "I have a belt," they rationalize, so they don't use as much care or as correct a form as they would use if they weren't wearing the belt. Like some of the others here, I never wear one, knowing that not wearing one makes me that much more careful (or less careless) in terms of my form.

    However, the key issue is your statement that you've been having "some lower back pain." There's back pain and, well, there's back pain. My advice would be that you have the pain checked out with a physician. At this stage of the game, a general practitioner or family physician will do, but the important thing is that you have your lower back (specifically, your lumbar spine) X-rayed to see whether it is from over-exertion or if there is any degeneration of the lumbar spine. (Your profile does not indicate your age or your B/F ratio, Fly. But as you get older or if you are carrying any significant degree of body fat, or have a family history of arthritis, your lower lumbar spine will tend to show more degeneration.) Checking it out is no big whoop, even if it is to rule out any degeneration or any specific injury. If an X-ray does show injury or degeneration, you can go for the next step (which is usually a CT scan or MRI) and find out what your treatment options are. (And there are lots of options short of surgery, which I do not generally recommend.)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Thanks everyone. I'm doing a back workout tonight and my back feels fine today. It was stiff from squats Tuesday. I'll stretch it out a little tonight and start with hyperextensions and then deadlifts. Then I'll move on to my normal routine: bent-over db rows, seated cable rows, bent-over bb rows and bent-over cable rows. Finished up with heavy db shrugs. I'll probably purchase a belt in the near future for when I do heavy squats and dead lifts. Thanks for the help.

  11. #11
    Iam an advocate of using a belt... especially doing the workout that your doing for your back.... no wonder it hurts, your bent over the majority of the time. I wear a belt when I train heavy with just about all exercises, but Iam also aware that I need to keep my abs tight and my back flat. Like TNT says there is low back pain and then there is LOW BACK PAIN!!! Determine which type of pain it is. If it is just lactic acid build up then deal with it, if it is an injury see someone who can help. i.e a doctor.

    Good luck and I hope your back feels better.

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