Hello fellow lifters,

I have gone through some serious sheit recently, and thought I should ask you how would be best to get back to training.
Before the illness I was doing a split programme on a cut:
Monday: chest-bi
4-6 reps : bench press 3 sets
4-6 : incline dumbbell 4sets
4x12 : dips

Barbell curls 3x4-6
Hammer curls
Wednesday : HIIT
Thursday :kickbox
Friday: legs, shoulders
Squats 3x4-6
Leg press 3x4-6
Leg curls-calf raises: 4x8

Military press:3x4-6
Lateral raises 3x8
Shrugs 3x10

Saturday : Week A starts chins B with deadlift

3x4-6 deadlifts/chins
3x4-6 behind neck pulls
3x8 seated rows
3x10 Krock rows

3x4-6: overhead press
3x8 skull crushers

4-6: range 80% of 1rm
8: 70% of 1RM

Sunday's: rest

I know the weights etc I was using before my downtime and I've been off for 2 weeks.

How do you recon I should approach my comeback ? Thanks