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Thread: Different ways to use equipment

  1. #1
    zinghigh89's Avatar
    zinghigh89 is offline Junior Member
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    Different ways to use equipment

    Hey guys,
    I just thought I'd share with you and possibly get some ideas in return on different ways to use gym equipment other than it's primary purpose. Maybe some of these aren't new but maybe some are.
    Hammer strength high row- The one at my gym has only the neutral handles but for a different feel and to hit the lower lat take a D handle attachment for a pulley and put the open end over the high row handle allowing you to have a palms up grip.

    Hammer strength behind neck press- stand on the seat and lean back so the small of your back is against the top of the pad where your head would normally be. Grasp the handles with either an overhand or underhand grip and shrug away.

    Wrist roller alternative- Place an unloaded barbell in the rack at shoulder level, and put a kettlebell or a weight plate underneath it n the floor. Using a 2" or thicker band loop one end of the through the kettle handle or a hole in the plate. Loop the other open end around the collar of the barbell where the plates normally go and double it. Now place each of your hands palms down on each side of the band and perform wrist rolls. If you wrapped the band correctly the kettle bell or plate should travel upwards toward the bar and your hands.

    Hammer strength iso row- face the other side of the machine and use a staggered stance so that if you push the handles it will go in it's proper plane toward the seat. A standing single arm neutral chest press.

    Hack squat- My gym doesn't have a standing calf, this one probably isn't new, but we just stand on platform facing the back pad, shoulders under the pads, and hang your heels off of the edge of the platform. Your hips should be back and if looked at from the side you should be making almost a right angle. Push up on your toes and release the sled, this is almost like donkey calf raises and standing calf raises mixed together.

    Life Fitness chest press- sit on the bench the same as you would do to a normal chest press but put the seat higher to allow the handles to be in line with your lower chest and upper ribs. Grasp the handles so that your thumb and index fingers are right the ends almost hanging off the handles, this is like a close grip bench so long as your elbows stay tucked in.

    Leg extension- place an aerobic step or low box underneath the seat of a leg extension and stand on it facing the back pad of the seat. The pad where your shins normally go should against your heel now. Hold on to either the top of the back pad or the machine itself. Curl one leg at a time bringing your heel and the leg pad to your butt. This is a standing single leg hamstring curl.

    Any similar ideas are welcome! As I said these may not be new and probably some elite lifter or coach has already discovered these but give them a shot for some variety.
    Khazima and Nick147 like this.

  2. #2
    RunMeOver2's Avatar
    RunMeOver2 is offline New Member
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    Hammer strength high row- The one at my gym has only the neutral handles but for a different feel and to hit the lower lat take a D handle attachment for a pulley and put the open end over the high row handle allowing you to have a palms up grip.

    I like this idea. I will be trying this. Thanks for the share

  3. #3
    bdos's Avatar
    bdos is offline Anabolic Member
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    Curls in squat rack
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