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Hey guys, I'm pretty new here so let me fill you in on some information. I am a 20 year old male, 5ft9 and around 160LBS. I have been training for a total of 5 months with a 1rm of, squat 231, deadlift 330 and bench 154, while not impressive by any means, good progress for the amount of time I have been consistently lifting. While i understand that taking a cycle when you are new to lifting is highly unnecessary, maybe even detrimental as you still have much to learn such as developing good a good eating/sleeping routine. I also understand that taking steroids is no shortcut toward achieving my long term goals. With that said, I was wondering if it would be beneficial for me to start a cycle soon.
The reason:
Basically the reason why I want to take steroids is to increase my work capacity in the gym. I find myself wanting to go 6-7 times a week, sometimes even two or three sessions per day, lifting heavy every session. Of course, without the added assistance of anabolics, this type of training is inefficient to the point where sometimes, it may even hinder progress. Is this a good enough reason to jump on a cycle, and if so, what would I need to take in order to sustain a 6-7 day a week, multiple training sessions a day method.
Thanks in advance for your replies, any opinion is better than no opinion as I am both relatively new to lifting and anabolics.