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Thread: AM Cardio Heart Rate Control

  1. #1
    spykemalo is offline New Member
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    AM Cardio Heart Rate Control


    Just need some guidance.

    I have been working out for a few months, entirely focusing on losing weight/cutting. I have been doing lifting and cardio on different days and have been doing ok with that.

    I am changing things up now, doing AM cardio on empty stomach and lifting later in the day.
    From what I understand, I need to be at 65%-70% to stay within fat burning zone.

    I am 23, so (220-23) * .65 & (220-23) * .7 comes out to my target heart rate being 128-137 BPM.

    I bought a decent heart rate monitor, with a chest strap and all.

    This morning I went on a 60 min jog.

    Here is the part that is confusing me......

    For me to stay within 128-137 is EXTREMELY ****ING EASY.
    Its like the slowest jog I have ever done in my life. Something just 1 step ahead of a hard power walk.
    Now obviously I don't mind doing this, if it is effective. I just want to make sure I am not doing something wrong here.
    Is the "fat burning" target heart rate also that easy for everyone else?

    In the beginning of my jog it was a little difficult to get it right because I am used to jogging with a much higher intensity, so it took about 15 minutes to adjust, but after that, I was able to keep it within 128-137 for the remaining 45 minutes, and tried my best to keep a constant pace.

    I believe my breathing if fine as well. I try to breath deeply but not too hard....breathing in through nose over approx 4-5 steps, and breathing out through mouth over approx 4-5 steps.

    Please let me know what your thoughts are.

    I don't mind doing it this way if this is what truly works...I just don't want to be "underdoing" my cardio.

    Thank You!

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    For most, the fat burning zone is fairly easy. For me it's a brisk walk on a treadmill with a bit of an incline.

    That 65-70% also equates to perceived exertion. It works, as long as your diet on par. Interval or higher intensity training is fine post lifting if that is something you want to do.

    If your bodyfat is particularly high then you may get away with a higher heart rate when fasted.

  3. #3
    spykemalo is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    For most, the fat burning zone is fairly easy. For me it's a brisk walk on a treadmill with a bit of an incline.

    That 65-70% also equates to perceived exertion. It works, as long as your diet on par. Interval or higher intensity training is fine post lifting if that is something you want to do.

    If your bodyfat is particularly high then you may get away with a higher heart rate when fasted.

    Ok, so I'm probably not doing something wrong.

    So I have it clear, if i go ABOVE the fat burning zone, and I don't mean a little above, I mean a significant amount above (for example in my case 155 BPM) I not burning any additional fat at all? Or is it that I am actually burning more fat but also burning more muscle at the same time? Meaning, is the fat-burning zone pretty much the cap?

    Also, this question should probably go in the diet or supplement section, but how long before the cardio should i be taking BCAAs?

    Thank You!

  4. #4
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    If you are above the fat burning zone you will burn more calories but not necessarily more calories from fat, no.

    The fat burning zone is a little different for everyone, I'm best at 65-70% I've had people work best slightly over 70 and some under 65.

    Ultimately you will work out what is best for you but in my opinion

    Fasted cardio should be low intensify steady state (LISS) this is fat burning zone

    Non fasted cardio - any you like but if you are getting to 10% bf and below I'd be inclined to choose LISS over anything else

    BCAA powder is quicker to absorb than tabs. I take mine about 30 mins before.
    SlimmerMe likes this.

  5. #5
    spykemalo is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    If you are above the fat burning zone you will burn more calories but not necessarily more calories from fat, no.

    The fat burning zone is a little different for everyone, I'm best at 65-70% I've had people work best slightly over 70 and some under 65.

    Ultimately you will work out what is best for you but in my opinion

    Fasted cardio should be low intensify steady state (LISS) this is fat burning zone

    Non fasted cardio - any you like but if you are getting to 10% bf and below I'd be inclined to choose LISS over anything else

    BCAA powder is quicker to absorb than tabs. I take mine about 30 mins before.

    Thank you so much for all the help man, i truly appreciate it!
    If you have a moment to spare, would you mind checking out my post regarding my cutting diet and giving me your feedback?
    I would post a link but their software won't let me yet as I am too new.

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