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Thread: Bulking List / Advice

  1. #1

    Bulking List / Advice

    Okay guys i recently posted a question about trying a Sust 250 cycle and got some great replies but mainly people telling me i need to get my nutrition in order first before thinking about cycling which i agree is good advice
    Basically im sitting around 130lbs seems tiny but when i was 17 i was 100lbs now im 23 so not bad so fat considering i didn't know have the stuff i know now...
    The sust was basically going to be a boost because i was getting tired of not seeing the gains i wanted! Impatience urgh!

    Anywayyyyyyy... What do you guys think of this as a grocery list weekly from my local tescos

    Tesco Small Bananas 6 Pack
    Tesco Everyday Value Eggs Minimum Weight Box Of 15
    Tesco Everyday Value Ham 400G
    Tesco Everyday Value Baked Beans In Tomato Sauce 420G x 4
    Princes Tuna Chunks Spring Water 4X160g
    Snack A Jacks Jumbo Chocolate Chip 180G --- A little bit of sugar here but snacks throughout the day
    Walkers Crackers Crispy Cheddar Cheese 130G - Again something to snack on whilst at work as i don't get many breaks to eat larger foods
    Tesco Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500Ml - Teaspoon when extra cals are needed?
    Tesco Penne Pasta Quills 1Kg
    Tesco Micro Rice Long Grain White Rice 4 X 200G (rotating pasta and rice so im not bored ect)

    I wouldn't need bread or milk as they are already in the house everyday and i get my breakfast at work 2 bagels and milk my calories im aiming for are around 3000 maybe a tiny bit more. From what i gather i need around 2400-2500 a day so i'm hoping 3000 would be enough?
    This comes to around £15 total but the oil and pasta would last longer than a week so i have money to jiggle around
    I get my meats from a local butcher for 3 packs of chicken breast for £10 and 3 bags of mince for £10 this would last roughly a month for me

    Sorry for the long ass post but i might as well get as many questions in one post rather than spamming away if anyone has my TDEE at a different number i'd be more than grateful for advice
    4 days a week working out
    working in a kitchen 5 days a week

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Im not a diet guru, but ine suggestion I would make is the choice of oil. Try to find macadamia nut oil, or avacado oil. While olive oil isn't a bad choice those 2 oils taste better and have more polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats in them.

    if you could break down the meals rather than the shopping list would help as well. Also even though you may not have much time for snacks you can make better snack choices.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    Im not a diet guru, but ine suggestion I would make is the choice of oil. Try to find macadamia nut oil, or avacado oil. While olive oil isn't a bad choice those 2 oils taste better and have more polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats in them.

    if you could break down the meals rather than the shopping list would help as well. Also even though you may not have much time for snacks you can make better snack choices.
    I'm s big fan of coconut oil. Good saturated fats. And it's one of the only fast digesting fats. Great for fuel that can be utilized soon rather slow digesting.

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