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Thread: 1st cycle 1 week in, over training? advise

  1. #1

    1st cycle 1 week in, over training? advise

    I'm currently on 500/wk test e, hgh 500/wk and armidex 0.25 EOD
    My endurance is thru the roof, I can workout for hours on end and not get tired, I'm in the gym for 4-5 hours and pretty much leave when I get hungry but I'm afraid of over training. Would this be different for me since I'm cycling and my body can take it or would I not make the necessary gains? my split is shoulders(traps)/chest(tricep)/back(bicep)/rest/legs

    I usually rest twice a week but with this energy and especially on the day I'm injecting I want to hit the gym and not rest.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls
    I recently had to slow down on my gym time I enjoy spending hours In the gym but yes if your looking to put on mass quicker harder workouts are better with as much rest as possible..your spilt is fine try to keep your workouts down around 90 min burn out your muscles and get outta have to remember the gym is only half the job, the nutrition and rest is the other half..I find with my small muscle groups esp over training them stifle's with your body change up your routines and splits find out what works best for you..for me switching between hit routines and higher rep routines switching splits and prioritizing small muscle groups like biceps,triceps on there own day has been effective..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Training in crocs & socks
    HGH 500/week?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Scorpion0922 View Post
    HGH 500/week?
    Lol, hopefully Hcg.

    Hours in the gym isn't productive. Up the intensity and get out of there after an hours lifting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    I really never tracked my time but after calculating I believe Black has it right. 10x10 with 90 seconds between sets nets 55 minutes.

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