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  1. #1
    roidBeast's Avatar
    roidBeast is offline New Member
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    need opinions please....

    Hi fellas , i want your opinion for this routine, its somewhat a mix between powerlifting and bodybuilding, its based on a routine by Mike Francois...

    i'll be trying this along with a bulking cycle to put on some mass...

    So here it is....

    Monday Chest-biceps

    Choose one of the following three exercises (indicated by an *) per chest workout followed by the other two exercises outlined below:

    Barbell Flat Bench Press*: 3 X 6-8 reps
    Use a wide grip for the 1st set, a medium grip for the 2nd set, and a narrow grip for the 3rd set.

    Dumbbell Flat Bench Press*: 3 X 6-8 reps

    Barbell Incline Press (30° or less incline)*: 3 X 6-8 reps
    Use a wide grip for the 1st set, a medium grip for the 2nd set, and a narrow grip for the 3rd set.

    Follow the one exercise chosen above with the following:

    Crossover Cable Incline Flies: 3 X 8-10 reps
    Place a bench (with a 30° or less incline) in the middle of a cable cross over machine. Perform flies making sure you bring your hands together in the middle of each rep. This is the key. When doing flies never let your triceps go below parallel to the ground.

    Decline Press with Barbell or Dumbbells: 3 X 6-8 reps

    Note: If you'd like, you may put the declines before the flies, but always do one of the first three exercises first.

    Standing Barbell Curls: Rest only 30-45 seconds between sets.

    1st set 12 reps Shoulder width grip
    2nd set 10 reps Close grip
    3rd set 8 reps Shoulder width grip
    4th set 6 reps Close grip
    5th set 4 reps Shoulder width grip

    Rest for two minutes and then perform the following.

    Preacher Incline Curls with E-Z Bar: Rest 60 seconds between sets.

    1st set 6 reps Shoulder width grip
    2nd set 6 reps Close grip
    3rd set 6 reps Shoulder width grip

    Rest for two minutes and then perform the following.

    Cable Hammer Curls using Rope: Do only one set for 25 reps.


    Squats: 8 sets, 3 reps each set at 80% maximum
    Leg Press: 3 sets, 15 reps each set at 60% maximum
    Leg Extensions: 2 sets, 30 reps each set at 40% maximum

    Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 4 sets, 12 reps each set
    Leg Curls: 3 sets, 12 reps each set

    Standing Calf Raises: 4 sets, 15 reps each set
    Donkey Calf Raises: 2 sets, 30 reps each set

    Allow only one minute rest between each set of each exercise.




    Shoulder - triceps

    Power Rack Presses: 4 sets, 5 reps each set
    Place rack at chin level and perform exercise as you would a military press to the front, but only bring the bar down to your chin - not your chest.

    Seated Dumbbell Presses: 3 sets, 6-8 reps each set
    Make sure you control the movement and touch the dumbbells over your head.

    Standing Side Dumbbell Raises: 4 sets, 10 reps each set
    Keep your arms as straight as possible, raising dumbbells from the sides of your legs to parallel to the floor. Again, make sure the movement is very controlled.

    Close Grip Bench Press: 3 sets, 6 - 8 reps per set.

    Then "super-set" the following two exercises:

    Weighted Dips: 3 sets, 10 reps per set.

    Push Ups: 3 sets to failure (with hands no more than one inch apart).

    Friday Back-Traps

    Choose one exercise from each group per workout. Vary it as much as possible from workout to workout. As always, make sure you are warmed up properly before beginning any workout.

    Group 1: Deadlifts
    Bent Over Rows 4 x 3
    4 x 6

    Group 2: T-Bar Rows
    Cable Rows
    1-Arm Dumbbell Rows 4 x 8
    4 x 8
    4 x 8

    Group 3: Pulldowns to Front
    Pulldowns to Rear
    Chin Ups 4 x 12
    4 x 10
    4 x 8

    Bent Over Dumbbell Flies (for rear delts): 4 sets, 8 reps each set
    Bring elbows back as far as possible to obtain maximum contraction.

    Here i will take both exercises from first group, i mean deadlifts and bent over rows.....

    What do you think .....?

  2. #2
    Yung Wun is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    In The Chocolate Factory
    it looks good it incorparates alot of compound movements

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