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  1. #1
    Kisersoze is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2017

    AAS and Cycling training

    Hey guys,

    I am a cyclist and lifter (on gear) training for a cross country USA bike trip that begins in August. This will be about 7-10+ hours of biking each day for 47 days straight, a rest day every 11 days. I am training and prepping as suggested, and I am already in pretty solid shape as is. ~9% BF, 190 lbs, 5'11", 36 y.o.

    I am on a program from an anti-aging doc. that includes (all legal rx from a pharmacy)

    test cyp. 125mg/week
    HCG not sure of dosage
    Omnitropin HGH 3iu/day. (only on month 3 of this..will hit month 6 the day I start trip)
    Anastrazole 2mg/week
    DHEA 50mg/day
    other vitamins, etc.

    All of this will continue I will not stop any of it.

    My current labs show:

    Total Test: 1200
    Free Test: 24.6
    Estradiol: 20
    Glucose: 80
    IGF-1: 300 and still increasing
    Hematocrit: 50

    So in the past I have noticed if I increase my test cyp, it increases energy and strength. This usually occurs about a month after the increase (I believe..correct me if I am wrong). However, with the increase, my weight increases pretty quickly as well. Anyone who cycles knows that an extra 10-15 lbs is a lot to carry uphill!
    So, obviously there is a performance tradeoff there. What I have considered doing for my trip is to slowly increase my test cyp. to maybe 200mg/ml per week a month before the trip to gain the added performance, but not put on a ton of weight before I leave. I assume that this will also keep me from losing too much muscle during my trip since I will be going through about 5000 calories of cardio a day. My question is, does anyone have any recommendations on how to best handle this - getting the increased energy without the bloating/extra weight associated with increased AAS? I can also just do nothing and keep my levels as they are, which may be the best solution after all. Any insight is much appreciated!
    Last edited by Kisersoze; 05-27-2017 at 10:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    Cycling, from my experience, benefits from improved cardio vascular and is why EPO is god to cyclists. AAS usually have a negative impact on cardio. Since you are on TrT you are already at the best you can be. I would not look at this as an opportunity to increase dosage. At 3 months you are not even receiving the eventual rebound of strength and such from your treatments. Give it time.

  3. #3
    Kisersoze is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Thank you! Only the HGH am I on month 3...everything else has been long term

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