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I've been lifting for 2 years, at heavy weight, mostly 4-7 reps with 3-4 sets and with 2.5 mins rest between sets. I have done research on the web and depending on the results one wants, heavy weights is ideal for what I'm wanting.
My workout routine: Day 1: Chest Day 2: Back Day 3: Shoulders Day 4: Arms Day 5: legs then 2 days off. Except for an odd time here and there, never took a real long break from working out.
My issue: I'm not getting the results I want with shoulders and biceps, I have naturally thin arms as is so to get them where they are now is progress but not at the pace I want, especially at 2 years IMO. I know everyone is different and their bodies are different, but how long did it take you to see that grapefruit on your shoulders? And if you got nice arms, how long did it take? Maybe I'm impatient.
Perhaps it's my diet, I can't eat a chicken breast/tuna/ other non quick meals every 2-3 hours due to the nature of my job. I try to eat good proteins through out the day along with veggies and little carbs due to wanting to lose fat.