Any suggestions appreciated!!
I do;
Incline DB Press
Flat DB Press
Decline DB Press
Cable Crossover
Incline DB Flyes
Any suggestions appreciated!!
I do;
Incline DB Press
Flat DB Press
Decline DB Press
Cable Crossover
Incline DB Flyes
you do all that in a single workout?
I do this:
military press
on your chest day you should start with incline if your lagging that area, this goes for shoulders as well. I hope that your not doing chest and shoulders on the same day if those are your lagging body parts, if so you need to separate them so you can grill them when there fresh.
just wondering why do you have shrugs in your chest workout, drop them and put them into your back or shoulder routine.
change your routine up once in a while too, like go DB for 4-5 weeks and switch to bar for 4-5 weeks, wide grip, close grip, keep your muscles guessing and shock them with different routines every few weeks that will force the muscles to grow.
put the crossovers at the very end of the routine use them just to burn the chest out....good luck bro
Last edited by popa; 07-11-2003 at 09:01 PM.
I would hit dumbell inclines first for 2 heavy sets(3-5 reps), then I would go to barbell incline for 2 moderate sets(8-10 reps), then I would hit one burnout set of hammerstrength inclines for 12-15 sets. Thats all I would do for chest. Then for shoulders I would hit some sort of overhead press for 5-8 rep sets, laterals, rear delt raises, some shrugs, and thats it.
A great exercise that I have been doing is on the adjustable back seat. 1 or 2 clicks down from 90 degres like this--> \_ ...barbell presses in the smith warm up set...12-15 reps...nice and slow...then 1 heavy set 6-8 reps...then on to your regular chest exercises...they are right about doing your lagging area 1st too.
p.s. I sure hope youre on a cycle with all those exercises...otherwise youre probably overtraining...more isnt always better...imo
I don't see one thing in your list for your delts. The shrugs hit your traps.Originally Posted by Bobbo
Popa is right train your lagging parts first. Here's one workout I do on my Chest/Shoulder day:
Inclline BB 4 x 12 - 8
Decline BB 3 x 12 - 8
Flat Bench Flys 3 x 12 - 10
Cable Cross Overs 2 x 12 - 10
Seated Military Press 4 x 12 - 8
Side Lat 3 x 12 - 10
Rear Lat 3 x 12 - 10
DB Shrugs 4 x 12 - 8
Hey,Originally Posted by the dent depot
I can't do a cycle, I'm on meds. Luckily they've been reduce so I have more energy than ever.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try dropping decline and add weight to dips. I was only dipping my own weight. I added 25 pounds last night. Will add 10 more next chest day.
Thanks again,
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