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Thread: LISS cardio

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Middle East

    LISS cardio


    For the purpose of fat loss, is there a difference in doing 30 min LISS treadmill walk or 20 min at more incline and a bit higher speed, if the total energy/watt is about the same?
    I often see advise to throw in some steady-state cardio sessions (e.g. 30 min), but I wonder if the same effect can be achieved in shorter time (15-20 min) by higher intensity.

    I understand that HIIT is another topic, with elevated metabolism after the exercise. If I can achieve the same energy/watt in 15 minute HIIT as 30 min LISS, why would I do any LISS?

    (Either types of cardio would be performed directly after lifting weights. With full time job, commutes and two small children, time in gym is at a premium. BF about 20%.)

    Thanks for all advice
    Last edited by DuckTheViking; 06-10-2018 at 05:04 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    With respect to all the internet insta-stars promoting this "you never have to sweat to be ripped" mentality.... I'd go with your gut reaction that a bit higher intensity is probably the better route. In general, I tend to believe you have to challenge your body.... but if you have a physical problem and need to reduce the intensity, LISS may be some people's only option. FWIW, the acronym "LISS" used to just be called "get off your ass and just move around a little bit" but GOYAJMALB never really caught on and didn't pull anyone into my Instagram feed.

    As for me, I routinely walk on the treadmill post weight lifting. But I hold the unpopular opinion that cardio post-weights is perfectly fine especially when you're as plainly average as I am


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by DuckTheViking View Post

    For the purpose of fat loss, is there a difference in doing 30 min LISS treadmill walk or 20 min at more incline and a bit higher speed, if the total energy/watt is about the same?
    I often see advise to throw in some steady-state cardio sessions (e.g. 30 min), but I wonder if the same effect can be achieved in shorter time (15-20 min) by higher intensity.

    I understand that HIIT is another topic, with elevated metabolism after the exercise. If I can achieve the same energy/watt in 15 minute HIIT as 30 min LISS, why would I do any LISS?

    (Either types of cardio would be performed directly after lifting weights. With full time job, commutes and two small children, time in gym is at a premium. BF about 20%.)

    Thanks for all advice
    For the purpose of fat loss you're good to go more intense for a shorter time assuming energy expenditure is the same. There are benefits to low intensity (perhaps easier on the joints, perhaps easier psychologically, etc) but if you're in a time crunch and you're willing to work harder for a shorter period, and able to do so on a regular basis without developing overuse problems, go for it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    The Gym or Eating
    At the end of the day the best cardio is the cardio you DO...........

    I feel lots of people burn themselves out with cardio and or skip it too often when they are suppose to do it.

    HIIT can not be beat for fat loss and metabolism. HIIT is also easy to burn yourself out on and you shouldn't do it more then 3 times a week unless you are prepping for a contest or maybe prepping for a trip per say.

    LISS is great also but you have to do it at a high enough incline in my opinion without supporting yourself with your arms.

    At the end of the day if you want to optimize fat loss do HIIT. I would cycle the HIIT though, 3- 4 weeks of it then do one week of LISS for a longer time. Then the week after start another 3-4 weeks of HIIT. Kind of have to keep the body in Flux because it can adapt to the HIIT I have found in the past.

    Overall do the cardio that you wont skip. HIIT is very harsh on the body per say and will flatten you out for a day but the body will bounce back.

  5. #5
    I look exactly like my avatar and I don't didn't do any LISS cardio to cut fat. I do it with HIIT and diet. My sample chest set. 1) 225lbs 20 reps, walk over to sit up bench, 2) 20 inclined sit ups with 20 Russian twists, walk over to the dumbbell racks, 3) 15 reps with 100lbs dumbbells, walk over to the open area, 4) 20 throw downs with 20 lbs medicine ball. Rest 2 minutes and repeat for 3 sets. That's one out of 3 chest complex I do on chest day. I am a sweat dripping fool but I cut fat and gain muscle. LISS seems such a waste of time to me.
    Last edited by ScotchGuard02; 07-05-2018 at 12:46 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I look exactly like my avatar and I don't didn't do any LISS cardio to cut fat. I do it with HIIT and diet. My same chest set. 1) 225lbs 20 reps, walk over to sit up bench, 2) 20 inclined sit ups with 20 Russian twists, walk over to the dumbbell racks, 3) 15 reps with 100lbs dumbbells, walk over to the open area, 4) 20 throw downs with 20 lbs medicine ball. Rest 2 minutes and repeat for 3 sets. That's one out of 3 chest complex I do on chest day. I am a sweat dripping fool but I cut fat and gain muscle. LISS seems such a waste of time to me.
    Scotch got me hooked on HIIT last year. Never looked back!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Middle East
    Many thanks for lots of good feedback. Being short of time and feeling that LISS is incredibly boring, I will throw in 3 x HIIT 15-20 minutes per week, rotating rowing, stairmaster and eliptical. Cheers.

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