Thread: 300 workout challenge - for men
07-09-2018, 03:21 PM #1
300 workout challenge - for men
I was doing the "300" workout where them movie stars were doing 6 exercises 50 reps each for a total of 300 reps. They're getting ripped for the movie. I have my own 300 challenge that I've been doing for years. We're going for time so work you ass off and post your time.
Exercise 1: Bench Press - 100 reps on 225 lbs
Exercise 2: Squats - 100 reps on 225 lbs
Exercise 3: Dead lift - 100 reps on 225 lbs
You can do 20 reps on bench, walk over to squat and do 20 squats, walk over to dead lift and do 20 reps and repeat that 5 times.
You can do 100 reps on the bench and then split 50/50 on the squat and dead lift and do that twice.
You can do 100 reps on bench, do 100 reps on squat, do 100 reps on dead lift.
You can do it anyway you want, just get 'er done!
My best time was 48 minutes and 54 seconds. Man, was I sore for days afterwards!
Have fun.
07-10-2018, 03:59 PM #2
Can we just do 300 reps on bench.... No bueno on squats. Or deads
07-11-2018, 06:11 PM #3
God dayum that is quick. Less than an hour.
I'm up for it next week some time. I'd rather split it up much more, 20 reppers will take time to recover from. Meanwhile legs/back recover while I bench and vice versa for chest/delt/tri when I squat/deadlift. My plan of attack is:
squat 2 plates 10 reps,
bench 2 plates 5 reps
dead 2 plates 10 reps
bench 2 plates 5 reps
repeat ten times. Bench seems high to total 100 reps for me - this is why I choose 5 reps and more rest inbetween - meanwhile deads seem too easy... but cardio will change things. Hopefully I won't puke.
07-17-2018, 09:09 AM #4
07-17-2018, 09:10 AM #5
07-17-2018, 12:37 PM #6
07-17-2018, 07:03 PM #7
Just got it done, I did as planned:
squat 2 plates 10 reps,
bench 2 plates 5 reps
dead 2 plates 10 reps
bench 2 plates 5 reps
repeated this 10 times so 10 rounds...
The first rounds felt so light, then by round 3 it started going downhill, round 4 I got this headache which would thump my head for every heartbeat. Fought the demons and continued then as I got to round 5-6 I started feeling better. Squats were easy but they increased HR when I did them quickly. On the 9th round I failed on the second 5 rep set on bench so had to do 11 reps on bench on the 10th round. My triceps, my right tricep even more so got totally fried lol.
1 hour 53 minutes. Both cardio and conditioning are horrible but this shit got done anyway!
Quads are cramping up like hell now lol wonder how I will manage to sleep this night
07-18-2018, 05:00 AM #8
I have to really work on conditioning/cardio. I'm going to try and do some condition once a week like sled push/pull and farmers walk, so I still get some carryover to my lifting. Will try and get this done in under 1 hour.
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