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Thread: Shin splints

  1. #1

    Shin splints

    Any idea on how to prevent skin splints i swim in the summer for cardio but when winter hits my little town doesn't have an indoor pool and running is usually out of the question for me because i get shin splints really bad really fast any info would be helpful

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Justinproctor684 View Post
    Any idea on how to prevent skin splints i swim in the summer for cardio but when winter hits my little town doesn't have an indoor pool and running is usually out of the question for me because i get shin splints really bad really fast any info would be helpful
    Not sure man but on cycle my muscle in front tense and on random days I can barely walk.
    Its not like a cramp, electrolytes don't fix it. It just gets unbeeeeelievably tense.

    I feel your pain brother

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Not sure man but on cycle my muscle in front tense and on random days I can barely walk.
    Its not like a cramp, electrolytes don't fix it. It just gets unbeeeeelievably tense.

    I feel your pain brother
    Yeah bro there are days after cardio or leg day waking up to go to work is really painful so i quit running flat land and started running stairs which helps a lot i still don't miss a leg day...i was just hoping maybe someone out there had a cure for shin splints lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Justinproctor684 View Post
    Yeah bro there are days after cardio or leg day waking up to go to work is really painful so i quit running flat land and started running stairs which helps a lot i still don't miss a leg day...i was just hoping maybe someone out there had a cure for shin splints lol
    I will be watching cuz I wanna know too

  5. #5
    Hopefully someone has some magic

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Would love some ideas around this myself.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Shin Splints are basically the muscles around the shin/calf that are inflamed/swellled and push against your bones and tendons.

    Promoting blood flow and heating the area is a good way to reduce inflammation. Here are some suggestions you can try that I've used in the past with success :

    - Sauna, favourite way to stimulate blood flow in your body. My sauna is electric so it doesn't get nearly as hot as a traditional one. Therefore, I also put a heating pad around my calves while in the sauna.

    - Compression SKI socks / sleeve. I emphasize the ski version because they go higher up.

    - Better shoes. In the winter I do cardio with winter hiking boots. A lot more support, less ground impact, less pain. My personal favourite brand is Lowa, but they are $300+

    - Foam rolling, helps stretch out the muscles, combine with massage - add a happy ending if you have a significant other.

    - Modify your calf worksouts - I train calves 2-3x per week and do mostly body weight exercises with a lot of volume.

    - Extra hydration. Coconut water + taurine (very cheap, $10 or so for a container).

    - Increase your salt intake. Lack of sodium increases muscle cramping.

    - Accupuncture, Hot Tenz, or Dry Needling
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Shin Splints are basically the muscles around the shin/calf that are inflamed/swellled and push against your bones and tendons.

    Promoting blood flow and heating the area is a good way to reduce inflammation. Here are some suggestions you can try that I've used in the past with success :

    - Sauna, favourite way to stimulate blood flow in your body. My sauna is electric so it doesn't get nearly as hot as a traditional one. Therefore, I also put a heating pad around my calves while in the sauna.

    - Compression SKI socks / sleeve. I emphasize the ski version because they go higher up.

    - Better shoes. In the winter I do cardio with winter hiking boots. A lot more support, less ground impact, less pain. My personal favourite brand is Lowa, but they are $300+

    - Foam rolling, helps stretch out the muscles, combine with massage - add a happy ending if you have a significant other.

    - Modify your calf worksouts - I train calves 2-3x per week and do mostly body weight exercises with a lot of volume.

    - Extra hydration. Coconut water + taurine (very cheap, $10 or so for a container).

    - Increase your salt intake. Lack of sodium increases muscle cramping.

    - Accupuncture, Hot Tenz, or Dry Needling
    Thank you for the advice im going to give a few of these a try

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Justinproctor684 View Post
    Thank you for the advice im going to give a few of these a try
    Let us know how it goes. I have a thread in the injuries/rehab section because I got some nasty shin splints just over a month ago - was the first time they acted up in years. There might be extra helpful info in that thread for you.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  10. #10
    Awesome thank you

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