So I’ve gotten to this point doing a routine that leaves out barbells completely over the last year and a half of hard training.
I do 6 days a week 45 minutes elliptical cardio followed by 5 exercises 3 sets of 10 each workout except days I do abs and obliques and my legs day is 4x4 instead of 5x3 and definitely the most lacklustre of all my workouts. I spend most my workouts on dumbbell and cable exercises with the odd hammer strength machine. I need a total overhaul at this point.
Current split:
Back & obliques
Shoulders &abs
2nd chest day
dumbbell press 3 sets 10
Dumbbell flys 3 sets 10
Incline dumbbell press 3 sets 10
Cable crossovers 3 sets 16 (8 left foot forward, 8 right foot forward)
Chest fly machine(or pec dec) 3 sets 10
It’s worked so far but is now lacklustre. I need to up intensity and remap this thing. Starting this cycle tomorrow:
Test e 250mg
Deca 600mg
Tren e 550mg
Winstrol oral 60mg last 5 weeks or so
I’m going to add squats, deadlifts and some barbell presses into this for sure need more though.
I was leaving them out due to a crazy physical labour job but now I’m back in sales so I want to take it next level and don’t need to worry about being able to climb scaffolding and carry rediculous amounts of weight all day.