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Thread: The point of diminishing returns

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    The point of diminishing returns

    Well, this one is a little bit of a downer.,

    Do you ever look in the mirror and realize you really haven't changed at all, in years?

    I get off work, get home at 6, take my shirt off and I'm still not happy with what I see. Still got moobs, still can't see my abs. People say you need to change your workout, you need to train more intensely. I damn near have a heart attack each day I train. Every joint in my body aches. My shoulder cracks and pops like crazy, and you can hear it clearly. Hurts to do certain movements. I know cuts are made in the kitchen, but I'm already down to 233 from 255 and still no sign of abs at 6'2". I would have to be like 205 to look how I want to look, and that means looking like a string bean. I feel like part of my size is just fucking fat.

    I feel like my best years in training are way behind me. When I was 22-23, I felt my strongest. I was a natural then. I had no joint issues at all. I felt like a beast. Every now and then I watch guys on YouTube benching like 4 plates and squatting 5 and they're smaller than me, and I don't get it. How the hell is that even possible? It pisses me off knowing how much work I put in and literally the only thing changing is my joints hurting more and more over the years.

    Don't get me wrong, I look better than the average joe. But I always wanted to achieve that superman look where you just look flawless. I don't see it happening anymore. I couldn't do it when I had nothing to do but train and eat all day, so how the hell could I do it now? I know it's a negative outlook and if you don't believe it won't happen, but I'm just being real with myself. I have to be happy with a less than ideal physique, in my eyes. I have to be happy with fat titties that look like shit unless they're cold. Unless I want to spend 8k in surgery, which I don't have. And then I would have to take off work at least a week, which I don't have time for either.

    I always figured that even if everything else in my life sucks, at least I'll have a great physique. I don't know, whatever. Fuck it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    da states
    I'm there man. I understand.

    Took me years to finally figure out (with GH help) what it takes for me to really grow.

    That, tho, then led to the realization that my age, my lifestyle, my wife all make that process impossible long term.

    So I can give it all up and be huge-ish, or I can love my life as it is (which I do) and just be the best I can be within said parameters: still the buffest 60yo at the nudist ranch! ;-)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2018
    I know what you mean OP
    I was wondering the same thing. Years working towards a goal with seemingly negligible progress
    But i go to the gym to keep me sane, that's not going anywhere (even though I do go through periods where it gets monotonous). And someone told me if you want that physique bad enough you will get there eventually

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Sounds like a nutrition issue.

    - lack of micronutrients
    - maybe no intraworkout program to support recovery
    - wrong macro split perhaps
    - incorrect number of calories
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    I think we all forget genetics ultimately dictates how we look as far as body shape, size and aesthetics...we are our own worst critics and for most its what drives us to do this...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Don't get down on yourself and get in a negative spiral. You are busting your ass and that is what counts. Sounds like you have the work ethic to go to the best of your abilities. Sounds to me like there is a lot of improvement with your diet. What are you eating like?

    I have made better gains off steroids with a dialed in diet than i have on gear and honestly everyone knows the diet is the most important part but very few have the dedication to follow one properly.

    This means: eating 6 meals a day, every 2.5 - 3 hours. If you work 9-5 you must meal prep for yourself. Eat clean. No cheats / snacks apart from your cheat day. Stick to the basics: rice, oatmeal, potatoes, chicken, greens, cod, egg whites, whole eggs etc. Give up drinking. Find a way to make these taste good enough so you can eat them 6 times a day every day. You cannot out train a bad diet. Nobody with a great physique has ever got there without adhering to a proper meal plan. There are a lot of fad diets out there intermittent fasting and whatever but it all comes down to the basics. Train your ass off. Eat like its your job. Get proper sleep. Rinse and repeat and you will get the body you want

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