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Thread: Programming advice

  1. #1

    Programming advice

    I’m posting this to get some advice. My goals are strength and hypertrophy without gaining fat. I’m able to get to the gym nearly every morning but I take 1 rest day every 2 days. I have an upper lower split. I’m baby blasting/high cruising at .6 ml Test-e 300 twice a week.

    I’m asking for general advice on exercises reps and sets, preventing imbalances, and volume recommendations. I tend to lean onto high volume because it makes me feel I’ve worked harder. I’ll add in where I’m getting burned out.

    Workout A- upper strength (3-5 min rest periods)

    1-barbell Bench Press - 3 work sets 3-5 reps Weight increased when all 3 sets are at 5 reps.

    2- Chest supported Rows -5 work sets of 5 reps. Weight increased when I can pull more than 5 quality reps on last set.

    3- decline cable flys (freedom trainer) - 3 sets of 10 reps with 2 minute rest. When all sets are 10 I increase weight next workout.

    4- Lat Pulldown (cue quality reps)- 3 sets of 6-10. When all sets are 10, increase weight next workout.

    5- zercher press (overhead press) - almost always burned out and skip this exercise. Goal is 3 sets of 8-10. At 10 I would move up in weight.

    After lifts I complete Stretches recommended by my PT and cycle in leg lifts on the throne.

    Workout B- lower body squat (long rest times(

    1- safety bar squat. Long warmup and 3 sets of 3 reps move up after reaching 3 reps for the 3 sets. For this I use a box that sits a few inches below my knees. I touch the box and raise back up

    2- safety bar squat- bar is reloaded and I sit on the box and explode up. Goal is 3 sets of 8 before moving up in weight.

    Calf raises- 20 reps increasing weight until I can’t reach 20.

    Leg raises and walking the track to warm down.

    Workout C- Upper Hypertrophy rest per set is limited to 2 minutes using a watch.

    1-Barbell bench press- Goal is 3 sets of 15 before moving up.

    2-Cable close grip row- 3 sets of 12 before Moving up

    3-Incline Dumbbell Bench Press- 3 sets of 12 before moving up

    4-Cable Straight arm pullover/push down- 3 sets of 15 before moving up.

    5-Lateral raises- slow quality 3 sets of 12 woth 15lb dumbbells.

    6-Incline Dumbbell curls- 3 sets 12-15
    Triceps extensions (burned out here) 3 sets 10

    After lifts I do pt stretches and leg raises.

    Workout D- lower body dead (long rest times)

    1-Deadlifts (trap bar) - I work up each working set to failure 5/3/1. Keep doing sets of about 6 until I’m burned out.

    2-Shrugs with trap bar - 3 sets of 12

    3-Calf raises - sets of 20

    Leg raises - sets of 12 with short rest

  2. #2
    Here is an example of upper hypertrophy and squat workout log
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DA92A405-6175-4A05-A758-60865984D792.jpg 
Views:	40 
Size:	109.3 KB 
ID:	178062
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6B9EE1D1-C939-4069-B034-59D5A951B537.jpg 
Views:	39 
Size:	101.9 KB 
ID:	178063

  3. #3
    I know there’s tons of workouts around but these are the exercises I like to do. If there is better programming or splits that are recommended then let me know. I saw a post by gear head with a interesting variation of the bro split. I like programs that have different rep ranges, I love to lift heavy singles but I like looking like a bodybuilder.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    unless your a new lifter, an older man just trying to stay in shape, or a soccer mom .. I'm going to recommend NOT doing push and pull in the same session.

    for an enhanced (AAS using) lifter trying to get jacked and put on muscle ,, you have to be a "beast" and battle tough sets. thats how you get jacked. theres no way your going to be able , in one session, to battle bench press for heavy sets, then battle over head press for heavy sets, , then in the same workout go over and battle heavy rows and pulls downs for back.

    IF you can do this .. your simply not training hard enough with enough intensity in your working sets. I'm sorry if this sounds blunt, but its the truth.. theres no way if a guy is training with absolute intensity and battling his pushing sets to the max, can he then go over and effectively do pulling sets after that, or vice versa.

    so here is my recommendation. . you clearly like the idea of doing multiple body parts in a single session rather then doing one body part sessions, which it totally cool and beneficial.
    so just switch to a basic workout A, push, pull, legs .... then repeat push, pull, legs again for a workout B

    Workouts A are going to be your heavier lower rep compound movements . like bench press, squat , rack pulls, etc..
    Workouts B are going to be your isolation higher rep movements .. like pec flies, leg extensions, face pulls

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    workouts A
    push day -- bench press, overhead press, machine press, dumbbell press
    pull day -- rack pull, heavy shrugs, t bar rows, bent over rows
    leg day -- squat, leg press, RDL

    workouts B
    push day -- incline dumbbell press, pec deck flies, cable flies, lateral raises, front raises
    pull day -- face pulls, cable lat pull over , lat pull downs, one arm dumbbell rows, reverse pec deck for rear delts
    leg day -- leg extensions, hamstring curls, smith machine wide stance front squats, hack squat

    you can add an accessory day where you do arms, abs, calves . or simply add those in as part of the above workouts (like biceps on pull day, triceps on push day, calves on leg days)..

    this is very very basic, its just giving you an example

  6. #6
    This is what I'm coming up with so far. What do you think? Ive never done RDL or Rack Pulls so i was careful with the placement.

    Push 1 - Strength
    Bench press - 3x3-5
    OHP - 3x6-10
    Incline dumbell- 3x 6-10
    Decline machine press- 3x6-10

    Pull 2 - Hypertrophy
    Pulldown - 3x12-15
    Cable row - 3x12-15
    str. arm pulldown 3x12-15
    Bicept curl - 3x12

    Legs 1 - Strength??
    Squats - 4x4-6
    RDL -4x8-12
    calf raise -3x20

    Push 2 - Hypertrophy
    Bench 3x12-15
    cable fly decline 3x12-15
    lateral raise/ Front raise 3x12-15
    Tricept ext rope- 3x12-15

    Pull 1 - Strength
    Rack Pull- 3x3-5
    Shrugs - 3x12
    Chest supported rows- 4x5

    Legs 2 - Hypertrophy??
    Trap Bar deadlifts- 3x6-10
    Leg press- 3x15-20
    calf raise- 3x20

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