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Thread: Bench Press Not improving

  1. #1

    Bench Press Not improving

    First, let me say, im not on steroids, all natural currently

    secondly... i work out on a 2 days on 1 day off cycle, working every muscle group in either day one, or day 2 so each group gets 2 days of rest in between

    now... my other exercises are on point, and i am slowly but surely increasing in strength/weight

    but im having trouble with the barbell bench press... idk if its a plateau but its annoying as hell, and could use some insight

    Now, Bench press for me is day 2

    i do 4 sets, 13 reps (or as close as i can get to it) at 60kg, then an exhaustion set of however many reps i can do untill the muscle is spent at 40kg

    i can get to 13 on set 1 and 2, but sets 3 and 4 im lucky if i get to 8... its been like this for a couple of months

    any ideas?

    and again, its only the bench press that im having issues with, my other chest exercises are fine and i keep getting stronger there

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Do you work it first on Day 2?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Post up some more details for better responses, but with that said...

    What are your assistance lifts like? What are you training for, strength, size or ?

    At any rate, you should vary your rep scheme. Lower reps, heavier weight for a while would be a good first choice, though you could lighten up as well and try that for a bit.

    You might also look at something like 5 3 1. Finally, I would say try taking an off day before bench and see if that helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    At any rate, you should vary your rep scheme. Lower reps, heavier weight for a while would be a good first choice, though you could lighten up as well and try that for a bit.
    The heavier weight with lower reps would be a really good start in my opinion. I rarely work out above 10 reps and most of the time I like working around 4-5 reps.

    My bench had stalled at one point, so I changed lifting partners at the gym and things began to move again. The new lifting partner introduced me to a pyramid method he uses a lot. Basically figure out your 1 Rep max and add 5 lbs. Then lift 75% of 6 reps, 80% for 4 reps, 85% for 3 reps and then 95% for 2 reps, then back down. On the last set at 75% this should be a burn out. If you complete all the reps then your 1 Rep max should technically be at the 5 lb higher point. The next work out add another 5 lbs and calculate your routine. If you stall for a while do a 1 rep max workout to see if you are doing the program for the correct 1 rep max target.

  5. #5
    Pec fly on day 1, bench on day 2

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Post up some more details for better responses, but with that said...

    What are your assistance lifts like? What are you training for, strength, size or ?

    At any rate, you should vary your rep scheme. Lower reps, heavier weight for a while would be a good first choice, though you could lighten up as well and try that for a bit.

    You might also look at something like 5 3 1. Finally, I would say try taking an off day before bench and see if that helps.

    assistance lifts meaning? you mean what other muscles do i work? cause i am doing tricep press and bicep precher curl

    tricep press im at 3 sets of 13 at 82kg, bicep curl is 3 sets of 15 at 50kg

    and i am lifting for strength/sculp not "Size" per se

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    From what you wrote it seems your training program is terrible. Trash it and start over.

    Start here

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    Your press isnt going up bc you arent overloading the muscle. Personally the best way i have achieved a 450lb press is to bench 2x per week , not so much heavy but overload, pushing to failure. To help my joints ill do a moderate day followed by a more intense and heavier day. Some times it just takes time but in the beginning you should be seeing an increase rather easily.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by FryingPanMan244 View Post

    assistance lifts meaning? you mean what other muscles do i work? cause i am doing tricep press and bicep precher curl

    tricep press im at 3 sets of 13 at 82kg, bicep curl is 3 sets of 15 at 50kg

    and i am lifting for strength/sculp not "Size" per se
    Take a hard look and 5 3 1. It will surprise you with its simplicity and the results you can achieve.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by FryingPanMan244 View Post
    Pec fly on day 1, bench on day 2
    Odd that you are doing chest exercises on back-to-back days. Unless it is some new training program that I am unaware of...generally bench press and pec fly would be on the same day with bench going before pec fly.

    Stick bench on day 1 and place it first in your order. You will be freshest and be able to focus on it more.

  11. #11
    Next workout load up 75-80 kg and use that. Do 3x3 or 5x5 and try to improve from there. (after the 3x3 you can take off some plates and do 2 back off sets for example ) Also can pyramid like do 1 rep 2 reps 3 reps 4 reps 3 reps -2 -1 with the heavy weight etc. Do bench twice a week, one time heavier weights, second time with abit less weight and more volume. If first workout can get 80 kg for only 3x3 then maybe next time you can get 4 3 3 etc and soon youl get 3x5 with 80 and so on. You can keep progressing with the sayd 80 kg or if your getting 5+ reps on all sets you can add weight again etc. This is how you get stronger without any specific template routine imo. Heavier weight and systemic overload. I try add 1 rep on 1 set every workout and progress like that every workout. Just make sure you keep your tehnique solid. With 5x5 i use 2-3 min rest between sets and 3x3 is so heavy weight i use 5 min .

    Once you can do 100 kg x 1 you should be able to do 60 kg x 20
    also 80 kg x 10 should mean you can do 100 kg x1
    Last edited by s1nc1ty; 07-06-2022 at 12:06 PM.

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