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Thread: Help with putting some mass on my wheels...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.

    Help with putting some mass on my wheels...

    Alright, I need some help with this cause I don't seem to be doing too well with adding meat to my legs to keep up with my upper body.

    Here is my normal leg day:

    Squats - 3x10 last set I can usually only pump out 8 or so before failure.
    Extensions - 3x10
    Lifts - 3x10
    Lunges - 2x20 steps total

    I workout my legs once a week, along with each of my other body parts...but for some reason my legs just don't seem to grow a whole hell of a lot. Don't get me wrong, I am far from having chicken legs...but I really want to start putting some serious focus on my legs and just maintain my upper body...

    So I'm lookin for some advice. Should I add more to my leg day? As it stands now I'm usually pretty sick by the end of the workout (dizzy, etc probably from the lactic acid or just blood flow to my legs). One bro suggested I split it up into 2 days... Quads one day and Glutes/Calves another day but I'm not sure if this would make much diff.

    Should I increase to hitting legs twice a week? I just don't want to overtrain, but I need to do something to break through and get some growth happenin!

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Slyp, I split my leg routine up the way your friend described. I like it and I think I get more out of each group by doing so. Sort of like when I've hammered the hell out of the quads I just don't feel like I get all I can out of the Bi's by working with or right after. Although someone did say I could get out of proportion by doing it all the time. Don't know if that's correct or not just something someone told me.

    You stated you worked legs once a week, have you thought about adding another leg day? Just have to space the rest days out as to not over train, just my .02 on the subject.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    So what does a 2-day leg routine look like? I'd be all about it - anything to really get some mass outta em!

    How do you properly split it up so that you don't overtrain?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    I am in the opposite situation. My upper body is behind my lower. I have always trained legs on one day and, with the occasional exception of calves, that's what works best for me.

    Day A:
    Squat, 1 set to failure, followed by 2 drop sets
    SLDL*, 3x8
    Leg Press, 1 set to failure, 2 drop sets
    Calves, changes weekly
    *if I am deadlifting within 2 weeks, I will substitute for leg curls

    Day B:
    Sled pull or sprint workout

    And it goes like this: A,A,A,B,A,A,A,B
    Last edited by inheritmylife; 08-05-2003 at 03:18 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Slyp, here's an idea of the routine I work with concerning legs. I've shown you the weight I use so by all means adjust accordingly to fit your needs. You might be a lot stronger and my weight range will not help you;

    Tuesday Quads (I just like Tuesday for some reason)

    1. Squats
    Change the foot positioning and style every two to three weeks. Feet close, feet wide. Feet forward, feet under the bar, Sumo style, Ass to the floor so on……
    Warm up set 135 x 15
    First set: 225 x 12
    Second set: 275 x 10
    Third set: 325 x 8
    Forth set: 375 x 6
    Fifth set: 405 – 425 x 4 or whatever I can get out of it

    2. Step-ups
    I use a fairly tall bench to step up on. I hold dumbbells in each hand as opposed to a bar across the shoulders.
    First set: 50lbs each hand x 12 (that’s 12 reps for each leg)
    Second set: 55 x 12
    Third set: 60 x 12
    Forth set: 65 x 10 (sometimes to tired to make it all the way through this set)

    3. Lunges (dumbbell or bar your choice. I break it up every other week for a change) I’m using dumbbells for this illustration. Also every other week I change from forward lunges to reverse lunges and I throw in side lunges now and again. On everything I try a little more weight about every two to three weeks.
    First set: 50 x 10 (each leg)
    Second set: 55 x 10
    Third set 60 x 10

    4. Leg extensions (seven reps toe up, seven reps toes out and last seven toes pointed together……DO NOT STOP once you start no matter how bad it hurts)
    First set: 150 x 21
    Second set: 160 x 21
    Third set: 170 x 21

    Note: I reverse the order of which ones I do just to keep my legs guessing. You’ll find doing extensions first pre stress’s the quads and your squat weight will not be as heavy as opposed to when you start with squats first. Like I said I like to rotate just to keep me fresh.

    Saturday Hams

    1. SLDL (slow down, slow back up and I don’t go any high than the knees on the pull)
    Warm up set: 160 x 15
    First set: 210 x 12
    Second set: 260 x 12
    Third set: 310 x 10
    Fourth set: 360 x what ever I can get generally not more than 6 – 8.

    2. Standing leg curls
    First set: 100 x 15
    Second set: 120 x 10
    Third set: 140 x 10
    Fifth set: 160 x 10 (if I can get it)

    3. Lunges (reverse style) or lying leg curls or SLDL with dumbbells
    First set: 120 x 10
    Second set: 140 x 10
    Third set: 160 x 10

    There are some other things I throw in or take out depending on how I feel but this is a start. Sorry it is so long.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    Great! Thanks bro's! I'll get right on incorporating these into my workouts and hopefully will see some good bennies within a month or so!

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