Alright, I need some help with this cause I don't seem to be doing too well with adding meat to my legs to keep up with my upper body.
Here is my normal leg day:
Squats - 3x10 last set I can usually only pump out 8 or so before failure.
Extensions - 3x10
Lifts - 3x10
Lunges - 2x20 steps total
I workout my legs once a week, along with each of my other body parts...but for some reason my legs just don't seem to grow a whole hell of a lot. Don't get me wrong, I am far from having chicken legs...but I really want to start putting some serious focus on my legs and just maintain my upper body...
So I'm lookin for some advice. Should I add more to my leg day? As it stands now I'm usually pretty sick by the end of the workout (dizzy, etc probably from the lactic acid or just blood flow to my legs). One bro suggested I split it up into 2 days... Quads one day and Glutes/Calves another day but I'm not sure if this would make much diff.
Should I increase to hitting legs twice a week? I just don't want to overtrain, but I need to do something to break through and get some growth happenin!
Thanks for your help!