Monday, chest and biceps:
bench press 2warm up sets, 2-3 hars sets
incline bench press, i warm up set, 2 hard sets
dummbel press 2 hard sets, or cable cross
preahcer curl 2 warm up sets, 2 hard sets
dumbbel curl 2 hard sets
cable curl 2 hard sets
tuesday legs:
hack squat 2 warm up sets 2-3 hard sets
leg curl 1 warm up set 2 hard sets
leg extension 2 hard sets
calf raise 1 warm up set, 2 hard set
thursday shoulders and triceps:
shoulder press, 2 warp up sets 2-3 hard sets
pull ups with ez-bar(cant spell) i warm up 2 hard sets
cross cable 2 hard sets
close grip bench press 2 warm up sets 2-3 hard sets
cable pushdowns 1 warm up set, 2 hard sets
tricep extension or dips, 1 warm up set 2 hard sets
friday back:
bent over row, 2 warm up sets, 2-3 hard sets
lat pull down, 1 warm up set, 2 hard sets
chainsaw move i warm up set, 2 hard sets
shrugs 2 hard sets
pull ups 2 sets
And my other routine is:
monday chest, shoulders and biceps
tuesday off
wednesday legs
thursday off
friday back and triceps
saturday off
sunday off
I swtich between this programs, depending how busy week i have, i do more intensive work outs on that second program. Abs i do 2 sets at the start of every work out.