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Thread: My training routine, what u thik?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Smile My training routine, what u thik?

    Monday, chest and biceps:

    bench press 2warm up sets, 2-3 hars sets
    incline bench press, i warm up set, 2 hard sets
    dummbel press 2 hard sets, or cable cross
    preahcer curl 2 warm up sets, 2 hard sets
    dumbbel curl 2 hard sets
    cable curl 2 hard sets

    tuesday legs:

    hack squat 2 warm up sets 2-3 hard sets
    leg curl 1 warm up set 2 hard sets
    leg extension 2 hard sets
    calf raise 1 warm up set, 2 hard set

    thursday shoulders and triceps:

    shoulder press, 2 warp up sets 2-3 hard sets
    pull ups with ez-bar(cant spell) i warm up 2 hard sets
    cross cable 2 hard sets
    close grip bench press 2 warm up sets 2-3 hard sets
    cable pushdowns 1 warm up set, 2 hard sets
    tricep extension or dips, 1 warm up set 2 hard sets

    friday back:

    bent over row, 2 warm up sets, 2-3 hard sets
    lat pull down, 1 warm up set, 2 hard sets
    chainsaw move i warm up set, 2 hard sets
    shrugs 2 hard sets
    pull ups 2 sets

    And my other routine is:

    monday chest, shoulders and biceps
    tuesday off
    wednesday legs
    thursday off
    friday back and triceps
    saturday off
    sunday off

    I swtich between this programs, depending how busy week i have, i do more intensive work outs on that second program. Abs i do 2 sets at the start of every work out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Whats your stats and how long have you been training..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I am 210, 6'0 bf is about 18% damn bulking lol I have been training 4 years on off, about 2 years serious training. Why?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Oh and if someone wonders why there is no squats adn deadlifts on my program, it is because i have bad lower back

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Your program look ok but i would do three working sets on each.Plus do barbell curls you will get more mass with them..If you have a back problem then why are you doing bent rows?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by bexsome
    Your program look ok but i would do three working sets on each.Plus do barbell curls you will get more mass with them..If you have a back problem then why are you doing bent rows?
    I go failure or near to it, do u think i still should do 3 work out sets? I thin i stick with barbel curl for while now.

    I must do something to my back My back does not hurt in bent rows, but it does hurt on deadlifts if i use big weights.

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