I have been training one muscle group a week for the last 2 or 3 years so I think its time for a drastic change for a little while. My body has been taking a beating lately so Ive taken off the last 2 weeks of weights completely and plan to start fresh with a totally new program....
My plan was to shock the body and do everything twice a week (obviously with less sets). This is what I was thinking...
Chest: Flat Barbell 4 sets, Incline D.B 3 sets
Shoulders: Front Raise/Side Raise/Rear Raise tri-superset 4 sets
Triceps: Skull Crushers 3 sets, Rope Pressdown 2 sets
Abs: Crunches 3 sets, Knee Raise 3 sets
Quads: Hack Squats 3 sets, Leg Extension 3 sets
Hamstring: Straight leg deads 3 sets
Calves: Standing Calf 3 sets
Back: Cable Row 4 sets, High Row 3 sets
Biceps: Barbell curls 3 sets, D.B Curls 2 sets
Repeat Monday
Repeat Tuesday
Any ideas? Its been a long time since Ive done body parts twice a week so what do exp BB think???
23 yrs
BF 16%