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Thread: Too many sets?????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Flying South.........

    Question Too many sets?????

    Guy's....... I am wondering if I am trying to do too many sets on my bench press routine. I am growing, but not getting much stronger.
    Routine is as follows....

    Warm up...
    130 x 10
    140 x 10
    150 x 10
    160 x 8
    170 x 8

    180 x 6
    190 x 4
    200 x 4
    220 x 2

    What do you guy's think?????? i only do this on flat bench, too help get the blood flowing..

    Hep me!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I personnally go for three W/U sets, and three work sets on my first exercise and then on my second exercise drop the w/u set and go into the three worksets.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Depends on a few factors of course. Volume has many benefits but the bottom line is if your body can't recover from the work load then you'll overtrain.

    I, like Big Al do only 2-3 wu sets and then 5-6 working sets. I keep my reps @ 6-8, unless I am working for strength. The 2 rep sets are not taxing enough to promote much growth though the load will allow you to increase strength. One key to remember is that you never want to allow your spotter to let the bar stop moving on those heavy sets. That act will work against you and create sticking points that are hard to overcome. It's like a safety mechanism within your muscles. Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I think you are doing to many warm up sets.
    And again it also depends on how long you have been training and if you are on AS.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i agree with the guys...before you bench do some light shoulder warm ups, then do no more than 2-3 sets of warmups. i usually do 135 then 225. then it's go time

  6. #6

    Re: Too many sets?????

    Originally posted by Thump
    Guy's....... I am wondering if I am trying to do too many sets on my bench press routine. I am growing, but not getting much stronger.
    Routine is as follows....

    Warm up...
    130 x 10
    140 x 10
    150 x 10
    160 x 8
    170 x 8

    180 x 6
    190 x 4
    200 x 4
    220 x 2

    What do you guy's think?????? i only do this on flat bench, too help get the blood flowing..
    Bro, skip the warm up sets. You seem fairly strong, so, I'd throw on a plate and warm up with that. Then, instead of adding a 5 or 2.5 to each side, throw on a 25, do that about 6 times, then throw on a 35 and work from there with your sets. Seems like all that extra energy you're burnin on warmups is killin you in the long run.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I'm Everywhere

    I have to disagree

    NEVER skip the warm up..... You are inviting injury. You can do too many warm ups, but never completely skip them. You are doing WAY too many warm ups..... Hit the weight for 2 or 3 reps each time you go up, just to generate blood flow and get the muscles used to the weight. I hit 20 reps with the bar alone to get the blood flowing. Then I throw on quarters, or plates and do 5 quick reps, then I up it again for 3, then I hit my "working" weight and do 4 sets.

    Make sure you stretch between sets.....

    You are training for high volume w/ that workout as well. You will not build power that way. Bodybuilding strength and power are two completely different animals and require different training.

  8. #8

    Re: I have to disagree

    Originally posted by Titanium
    NEVER skip the warm up..... You are inviting injury. You can do too many warm ups, but never completely skip them.
    Disagree with me ? Bro, I didn't say skip them COMPLETELY, but it seems as if you took it that way. Warmups are still needed, yes. But not 8 sets of them. No reason to gradually increase to where you're tired as shit by the time you hit 85 %.

    As for warmups - what's the point of doing the bar, then a quarter ??? Why not just do some pushups - the weight is about the same.

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