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Thread: cardio

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    I know that you should do cardio in the morning on an empty stomach but man I get up early cardio after a workout a bad idea? I wanna lose bf after this cycle i'm on...what would you suggest?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    1. cardio first thing on an empty stomach is not the greatest idea. you are catabolic in the morning from the nighly fast. so, if you want to retain muscle mass i would stay away from cardio first thing AM

    2. cardio after a workout is not the best either. after you workout you have depleted your muscle glycogen stores and cortisol is running through your body. your main priority here is to refill muscle glycogen with your post workout shake

    that being said, my personal experience has led me to believe that cardio on off days is ideal. HIIT cardio is the best b/c it is short and sweet which means it is less catabolic. also, dont eat for 1 hour after the hiit session. the hiit session should not last longer than 15 minutes (not counting warmup)

    also, know that everyone is different and this post is just my opinion and what i have learned about my own body.

    a lot of this is trial and error, try it one way and watch how your body responds then switch things up if you feel you are losing too much muscle mass

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    just wanted to add something to my last post.

    persons who use AS...

    one of of the greatest benefits of AS use are it's anti-catabolic properties. when the body is saturated with androgens certain muscle cell receptor sites are blocked. these same receptors are used by cortisol and with the receptor sites blocked cortisol has no effect. this is how bb'ers can severely reduce calories add in tons of cardio to cut down for shows and still maintain a high amount of LBM...

    so, with that said, you can probably get away with cardio either first thing am or after a workout. given the choice i would go with the morning for a couple reasons.... 1) get it out of the way, 2) after lifting your immediate concern should be your post workout shake to get protein synthesis going

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    i just started doing HIIT training after years of just doing the machine programs and i have to say i really like it. it's short and intense just like i lift.

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