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Thread: How does this workout sound

  1. #1

    How does this workout sound

    how does this workout sound to you guys.

    Monday- Chest Biceps
    flat bench 1 (wu) 3 sets of high weight low reps
    incline- Same
    Decline- Same
    Preacher curls, barbells, incline curls, hammer curls

    Tuesday- Triceps- skuller crushers, decline skull crushers, pull downs, over the head tricep workout not sure of name.
    Shoulders- military press, shruggs, and raises

    Wed- OFF

    Thurs- legs- squats and calf raises
    Back three exercises

    Friday- Same as monday

  2. #2

    Re: How does this workout sound

    Originally posted by hme2143
    how does this workout sound to you guys.

    Monday- Chest Biceps
    flat bench 1 (wu) 3 sets of high weight low reps
    incline- Same
    Decline- Same
    Preacher curls, barbells, incline curls, hammer curls

    Tuesday- Triceps- skuller crushers, decline skull crushers, pull downs, over the head tricep workout not sure of name.
    Shoulders- military press, shruggs, and raises

    Wed- OFF

    Thurs- legs- squats and calf raises
    Back three exercises

    Friday- Same as monday
    ah, it's ok, but for me, i don't like it. i do my calves every other day right now, along with forearms, abs, and lower back. other than that, i go in this routine :

    chest / tri
    back / bi
    day off

    some people like different things. one thing i don't like about yours is you do triceps the day after your chest. working your chest doing presses (esepicially decline) will workout your triceps too. you could throw in some flys along with that, either on the machine or dumbbell. also, what's the difference between skull krushers and decline skull krushers, you're still usin your tricep to push the thing away from your head. why not do some dips also on chest or tri day. also, it seems as if you're looking to get your tits bigger, so why not concentrate on one area - the upper chest. for me, i do incline bar, dumbbell flat, dumbbell incline. i don't even like decline, but that's just me. also sounds like you got puny legs - only squats & calf raises on leg day? what kind of a workout is that? why not some leg extensions, leg curls, lunges, bent over rows - whatever, something more to add to your legs. chicks don't like dude's w/o nice legs ya know. i dunno, just wait around, you'll get some more critiques i'm sure. PM me if you have any questions. also, check out this site as it has many different muscle specific exercises :

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    To much tri work for me you also train tris when doing chest and shoulders tris are a small muscle.

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